I was named DC's funniest celebrity.

My dad was the funniest guy I ever knew.

I think Chelsea Handler is the funniest woman.

My kids are the funniest two human beings there are.

Self-delusion is one of the funniest things there is.

I work with some of the funniest writers in the country.

I think 'lunch' is one of the funniest words in the world.

'Blazing Saddles' is one of the funniest movies ever made.

The funniest people are usually the best actors, I believe.

George Hamilton is one of the funniest men I have ever known.

I think Matt Shively is one of the funniest humans in the world.

Jimmy Fallon is one of the funniest son of a guns I've ever seen.

Comedy-wise, I think Chris Elliott is one of the funniest people.

The funniest rumour that I've heard about myself is that I am gay.

Some of the funniest people I know are not screwed up in the head.

People walked out on Richard Pryor and he's the funniest man alive.

OK, my funniest tech I ever got in the NBA was for looking at a ref.

What I try to do is always get the newest, funniest people in anything.

I have to say Tim Thomerson is one of the funniest people I've ever met.

I still like farts. I still think farts are some of the funniest things.

I just find anyone who's arrogant and pompous is always the funniest for me.

My way of joking is to tell the truth. That's the funniest joke in the world.

If I go to a party, I'm not one to be the funniest person in the room at all.

The funniest line in English is 'Get it?' When you say that, everyone chortles.

I strive for honesty because I think that's where the funniest stuff comes from.

My father is sort of the jokester. My dad is still the funniest guy in our family.

Oftentimes, the funniest comedians are people who've gone through personal torment.

Ty Burrell could be one of the funniest people on the planet. I'd love to meet him.

I'm always going to do whatever I think is funniest. If something's dark, I'll do it.

My father was the funniest man I ever met. He made Redd Foxx look like an undertaker.

I loved 'The Carol Burnett Show' - I thought she was the funniest lady I'd ever seen.

My daughter is the funniest person I know, and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Put me on the Food Network - I'll be the funniest guy talking about food. I don't care.

The show was written just for us. We all thought we were the prettiest and the funniest.

Kenneth Branagh is one of the funniest directors on the set. You laugh a lot. He's very skillful.

The medium is less important than the story we're trying to tell and the funniest way to tell it.

By the way, I'm funniest when I'm not being funny. I'm better to laugh at than with, pretty much.

How about a good comedy? 'Raising Arizona.' Remains the funniest movie I've ever seen in my life.

My father was the funniest guy I ever met. I'm not sure if I stole his stuff or if I inherited it.

I was voted funniest person in my middle-school yearbook. So I guess I was funny in middle school?

Racing Stripes was so much fun to do. It's one of the funniest movies I've seen in a couple years.

Of course, my whole theory of comedy is based in reality. The funniest stuff comes from real life.

When I was 3, my mom sent in a video of me singing George Strait to 'America's Funniest Home Videos.'

We would not have 'America's Funniest Home Videos' without drunk brides and grooms falling into cakes.

My mom is a very independent person, and she's the funniest, smartest person in the room, all the time.

I suppose I would like to be remembered as one of the funniest men that people have seen on television.

Anyone in the comedy world knows that Horatio Sanz and Chris Parnell are two of the funniest guys around.

On 'Sunny,' we're not trying to be a family show. We're literally trying to make the funniest show possible.

The biggest mistake you can make with a prank show is remove the 'real' element, which is the funniest thing.

Sometimes, I find that just the simplest, cleanest things that are intelligently performed are funniest to me.

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