The hardest part about acting is realizing it doesn't matter.

The hardest part is to travel, and to be away from your family.

The easiest part is the training, the hardest part is the diet.

The hardest part is developing the idea, and that can take years.

I find coming up with a title the hardest part of writing a novel.

The hardest part of my job, daily, is to not laugh while we shoot.

I know my family loves me, but the hardest part is to love myself.

The hardest part about being a woman is figuring out what to wear.

Listening is harder than just acting. Listening is the hardest part.

For me, going away to work is the hardest part of my life and career.

The hardest part of acting is not when I'm acting, It's when I'm not.

The hardest part of this whole movie-making endeavor is finding ideas.

The hardest part about directing is getting everyone on the same page.

The hardest part of doing anything creatively is just getting up and doing.

I think the hardest part of being a working mom is that I miss my kids a lot.

This is the hardest part of military family life - being away from each other.

The hardest part for me is to finish a track. I start new projects all the time.

The hardest part of being an artist is discovering what it is you do differently.

Casting can be heartbreaking. Dealing with the disappointment is the hardest part.

Recruiting is the hardest part of any business, but in charity, it is 10 times harder.

The hardest part of acting is not being guaranteed work. Every job could be your last.

The hardest part about being a kid is knowing you have got your whole life ahead of you.

The hardest part is telling one's story. Once the story is on the page, the rest will come.

The hardest part about the music industry for anyone is getting into the ears of the world.

The hardest part is the nature of working in film and television; the hours are very tough.

The hardest part when I decided to move into acting was trusting I'd made the right decision.

The hardest part is making the time to write. Not finding the time to write, mind you. Making.

Like many things, the hardest part about meditation is the decision to put aside the time for it.

It is boorish to live ungraciously: the giving is the hardest part; what does it cost to add a smile?

The hardest part, for real, is probably when you just don't feel like going on stage and being funny.

The hardest part about making movies is staying the exact same weight every day and looking the same.

Expanding internationally is exciting and fun, but the hardest part is really about maintaining culture.

Writing a screenplay is like writing a big puzzle, and so the hardest part, I think, is getting the story.

I would say the hardest part in the Latino world is approval from your parents. It's such an intense thing.

The hardest part is just hearing people saying that I won't amount to crap, and that I'm going to be a bust.

The hardest part of this whole ordeal is not knowing if your children are getting what they need to survive.

The hardest part was convincing people that I was serious. The people were like 'you want to do this again'?

I think the hardest part about anything you do for 18 months is just keeping yourself together for 18 months.

Football is like a pyramid. It is easy to reach the top of the pyramid, but to stay there is the hardest part.

Sometimes, getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth is the hardest part of the day - it all just hurts.

The hardest part about traveling for work is that I'm a big guy, so traveling is sometimes uncomfortable for me.

Truthfully, the hardest part about fashion is not the vision or one great idea, but the execution of each aspect.

The hardest part of cooking is shopping, and if you organize yourself and shop once a week, you're halfway there.

The hardest part of performing in the Premier League is the mental side of it, with everything being scrutinised.

I'm really inspired to build a billion-dollar company. The hardest part is building the vehicle to get you there.

The hardest part about this business is accepting the back end with the same love that you accepted the front end.

Most memoir writers will tell you that the hardest part of writing a memoir isn't what to include, but what to leave out.

Comedians have to challenge the power. Comedians should be dangerous and devastating - and funny. That's the hardest part.

The hardest part of ghost writing other people's stories is capturing their voices so that it isn't you talking, it's them.

Wayward Pines, I tell you, is a strange place, and the entry is always the hardest part. I was just going along for the ride.

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