My lineage is partially Irish.

I come from a lineage of ministers.

And don't worry about your lineage poetic or natural.

If you remember your lineage, you will never feel lonely.

USC Film School always had a real sense of drama and lineage.

Nobody is ready to burn money just because you have a filmi lineage.

My ancestors are Rajputs from Jaipur, a lineage of the royal family.

My family's lineage is five generations of artists who never made it.

I like the fact that I come with a lineage and have a filmi background.

I'm proud of my lineage but never really depended on it anyway whatsoever.

I have a strong impulse to protect history and time and the lineage of events.

Your lineage and surname become irrelevant after your first film. Audiences do not care.

I have a real problem with rock music because it seems that lineage doesn't really exist.

For a while, I thought a lot about lineage. Where do I belong? Who am I standing next to?

To genetic evolution, the human lineage has added the parallel track of cultural evolution.

When you start about family, about lineage and ancestry, you are talking about every person on earth.

I am a practicing Catholic, but my lineage is Jewish, so if someone asks me if I'm Jewish, I say yes.

We are enmeshed in a lineage that came from somewhere and is going to make way for the next generation.

The album ['A Seat at the Table'] really feels like storytelling for us all and our family and our lineage.

In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage, to know who we are and where we came from.

I understand what's expected of me. I understand the lineage for the running back position of the Dallas Cowboys.

Most evolving lineages, human or otherwise, when threatened with extinction, don't do anything special to avoid it.

There is definitely a thematic lineage between 'Descender' and my previous work, like 'Sweet Tooth' and 'Trillium.'

Trade protectionism has an American lineage dating back to the Founders; that lineage is distinct from white nationalism.

I had this sense that I was part of, sort of a lineage of artists and writers through history that have had mood disorders.

I think pressure exists in a situation only when you are unsure of your talent and people are expecting a lot from you due to your lineage.

It's in the Hawks' DNA to win one, so I want to be a part of the Hawks' DNA and the Hawks' lineage of guys who have won a Slam Dunk Championship.

I'm not sure I really am an entrepreneur. I'm not much of a businessman. I know I'm not a marketing guy. I do have an entrepreneurial lineage, though.

An authentic updating of sacred music can take place only in the lineage of the great tradition of the past, of Gregorian chant and of sacred polyphony.

My grandfather, who is English, was a member of a gentleman's club called the Caledonian, which you can only be a member of if you have Scottish lineage.

I am in the lineage of Gil Scott-Heron, great activist-type artists. But I'm also in the lineage of a Miles Davis - you know, that liked nice things also.

My parents were very unusual. They were pro-women and independence and they wanted me to have my own career. And because of my lineage, every door was opened for me.

Oh, it is a boon to have a lineage like mine. Of course there's additional responsibility, and I have to live up to expectations all the time, but that's fine with me.

I am in Boston right now, in fact, to do work at the New England Historical Genealogical Library, where I'm trying to finish up tracing my lineage back to the seventeenth century.

We all got here from somewhere else going back in our lineage. And I think these gratuitous attacks on Americans who got here recently or whose parents got here recently need to stop.

I feel blessed. All the great running backs that have come through Ohio State - Archie Griffin, Eddie George, Beanie Wells - I'm happy that I was able to carry on that lineage this season.

You are in charge of your own attitude whatever others do or circumstances you face. The only person you can control is yourself...worry more about your attitude than your aptitude or lineage.

As in many cities, Uber has disrupted powerful interests in London, starting with the drivers of black cabs, who trace their lineage to 1634, and their influential Licensed Taxi Drivers Association.

There's been a long lineage of a stranger in a strange land, whether it's 'E.T.,' 'Starman,' or other movies about trying to connect with humanity; it struck me that's what a Superman story really is.

In no State is there a weightier law than that which centers its stability in the supreme hereditary power of one particular family, unconnected and un-commingling with any other lineage in that State.

Perhaps I was always intensely curious, but my Columbia education gave me a framework and a perspective to investigate new things - things that could be put into a historical and philosophical lineage.

European operetta and German singspiel provided the American musical its combination of spoken dialogue and song; the inclusion of dance traced a lineage to French baroque opera. But what a difference!

You want to find out what it is about you or what it is about your past and your lineage that's in you now, and whether you carry those traits and maybe what one's mission is to take it to the next level.

I find my husband's family history fascinating, as they can trace the family lineage back to ancestors who fought, and died, in the first battle of the Revolution, as well as to many other interesting people.

Imagine if you grew up in a place where your lineage was there for a hundred years, and part of the culture was to play music 50 percent of the time. You'd probably have a lot of musicians in your family too.

From the beginning of time, we've told stories, Shamans and Medicine People, and not to be pompous about it, but I feel like that is the lineage I take down and where I come from. There is magic to storytelling.

I feel like there's such ancient pain in us as humans. For instance, we come from this patriarchal lineage where women have been oppressed, and we're feeling, I think, collective pain from these energies being so out of balance.

Any individual is capable of realizing the truth at any time. No tradition is necessary, no chain, no lineage. Once you have realized the truth, once you have become consciousness itself, then you go beyond all such distinctions.

I want to leave something behind. A blueprint. A work ethic. Something that my great-grandkids and their kids and their kids can see: This is where it started. Lineage. Intergenerational wealth. Things that are here forever. All that.

To the best of my knowledge and of my effort, every lineage statement within 'Roots' is from either my African or American families' carefully preserved oral history, much of which I have been able conventionally to corroborate with documents.

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