I'm a "what you see is what you get" kind of guy. I don't have any time to be showing anybody any bag of tricks.

Foursomes have left the first tee there and have never been seen again. They just find their shoelaces and bags.

The only club in the bag specifically designed to get the ball in the cup is the putter. Why not learn it first?

I had to beat the bags, big time, I had to get out into the den and start screaming and move it through my body.

I like most kinds of music. So I haven't got a bag, as they say... except the big black one in the hall outside.

As soon as I put my bags down in the hotel, I'll do a search on my phone to find which local gyms are in my area.

I don't like waiting in airports for my bags. Even worse, I don't like waiting in airports when my bags are lost.

The Bassbone works great in the studio or on the live stage. Throw it in your gig bag and take it wherever you go.

It was a mixed bag pretty much all week. A lot of really, really good stuff out there, some mediocre and some bad.

I came to New York with two bags, my guitar and my laptop. I set my stuff down and immediately ran to an audition.

Sex has never been an obsession with me. It's just like eating a bag of crisps. Quite nice, but nothing marvellous.

I don't care how many beauty treatments you have, I don't care which bag you're carrying - you have to have a dress.

I am mean as cats' meat about handbags: mine don't ever look chic. I always prefer bags that aren't made of leather.

What do you have to do? Pack your bags, Go to the station without them, Catch the train, And leave your self behind.

Once I find a bag that I love, I wear it always. I just don't change my bags. I literally find one and stay with it.

My heart's in my hand, and my hand is pierced, and my hand's in the bag, and the bag is shut, and my heart is caught.

I'm someone who believes the only way to see a movie is in a big theater, on a big screen, with a big bag of popcorn.

My arms flew up of thier own accord knoking my bag down. I grabbed hold of the desk to keep myself from falling down.

Bring a raincoat, definitely ... or at Least a little umbrella that can fit in your bag, because it always does rain.

If Inter decide to sell me, I'll pack my bags and go. If not, I'll stay here in Milan where I am honestly very happy.

...she yanked open her shoulder bag and pulled out a stake. Boy Scouts and vampire slayers should always be prepared.

Dude, got eyes? I'm collecting evidence." [...] "In Ziploc bags." "I think they're Glad." "They look impartial to me.

I drink just as much tea when I'm in Los Angeles as I do when I'm in London. I take my tea bags with me wherever I go.

As she brought prospective buyers through, the realtor said it was an oil stain, but it was me, seeping out of the bag.

I do laundry, but my bags from the last race will sit there until the very last minute that I have to do laundry again.

I sincerely apologize to anyone I may have inadvertently offended...The bag was a purchase I made as a tourist in China.

I collect a lot of eco-friendly shopping bags that serve to separate my shoes other and other small stuff in my luggage.

I didn't cry much after I was 35, but staggered stony-faced into middle age, a handkerchief still in my bag just in case.

So-called designer bags are useless, and most are also ugly, faddish and overpriced. Pared down and sleek is always best.

I woke up, a bag of bones. Literally. They had gathered up my bones and put them in a bag and thrown the bag into a river.

I don't put cash in my Louis Vuitton wallet. I have it thrown around my bag - jut a whole bunch of hundreds, maybe $5,000.

I don't have any children, but I can leave my land to an animal sanctuary. That is what I dream about, not bags, not shoes.

I don't have any respect at all for the scum-bags who went to Canada to avoid the draft or to avoid doing their fair share.

Clean, tasty, real foods do not come processed in boxes or bags; they come from the earth, the sea, the field, or the farm.

We are all born with a grab bag of gifts and gaps. Identify your true talents, then find out how to use them to make money.

The Saints come, as human as a mouth, with a bag of God in their backs, like a hunchback, they come, they come marching in.

When they throw punches, the breathing, the sparring. The heavy bags being hit. All of that - it was a heavenly sound to me.

I am attracted to generic or 'industrial' colours; paper bag brown, file cabinet gray, industrial green, that kind of thing.

I can tell you one thing: It doesn't matter what the American people think. There's going to be an awful lot more body bags.

His eyes held hers. “Because I knew, ten seconds after walking into this office and meeting you, that we had this in the bag.

When I fly, I never check my bags. I bring a carry-on, an eye pillow, noise-canceling headphones, a big pillow and a blanket.

Well, shoes, bags and clutches are usually my big weaknesses - my husband always laughs when I call them 'investment pieces.'

My bag hit the floor, spilling overpriced books and pens across the shiny floor. My pens! My glorious pens rolled everywhere.

I'd want to have the power of mind control. If I had that one skill you'd always see at the bank loading up bags full of cash.

I enjoy the preparatory elements of travel - packing my bags and choosing my outfits - but my favourite part is getting there.

OK, here's a little bedroom tip: Put a bag of popcorn in the microwave beforehand. That way when you're done, you have a treat.

The budget is like a mythical bean bag. Congress votes mythical beans into it, then reaches in and tries to pull real ones out.

They were not half living, or quarter living. They were simply so many bags of bones in which sparks of life fluttered faintly.

What I play now isn't surf music. It's too powerful. I used to go through paper bags; now I go through brick walls. I play hard.

the metabolism of a consumer society requires it continually to eat and excrete, every day throwing itself away in plastic bags.

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