The people who are thinking most about big data right now are corporations and governments.

To be sure, governments will remain critical to any comprehensive effort to save our planet.

But Mitt Romney understands, like I understand, that people - not governments - create jobs.

The best Governments of the World have bin composed of Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Democracy.

Co-operation between governments still plays an important role and will remain indispensable.

The response to coronavirus has shown what can be done when governments put their mind to it.

Americans overthrew governments only when economic interests coincided with ideological ones.

The federal, state, and local governments are involved in virtually every aspect of business.

Governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deducted from it.

By ratifying the Convention, governments become legally bound to implement the rights therein.

NGOs have a significant role to play, alongside governments, in improving the status of women.

Time and again these governments have rejected proposals today - and longed for them tomorrow.

Everyone knows that the Workers' Party governments did much more good than bad for the country.

I think we can get respect for Parliament back providing governments and oppositions are frank.

The message from the United States and Europe is that governments must live within their means.

With the globalization, it's difficult for governments to impose decisions on private companies.

I know that many in Europe are unhappy with their governments' policies toward the Palestinians.

Previous governments, particularly the one before I took over, mismanaged the economy quite badly.

Probably the best advertising jobs of all are done by governments to convince people to go to war.

The idea that if governments open up and become more democratic they will fall is a false dilemma.

I have always believed governments must adapt to the needs of the people, not the other way around.

Governments should not be able to bulldoze a person's home or business to benefit other individuals.

Formation of alignments for governments are done by our central parliamentary board and not locally.

I do not accept the right of big powers to change governments as and when it affects their interests.

Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments.

I tend to be naive and gullible, I guess, but I try to believe that governments believe what they say.

A lot of people in America and Europe feel that their governments are not representing them very much.

Nobody is opposed to paying taxes; governments need to coordinate, work together and simplify the law.

Governments must give to all those who have hit life's hurdles the chance to rebuild and have a future.

Nothing binds a people to their leader like a common enemy. Voters don't change governments during war.

We now see hacking taking place by foreign governments and by private individuals all around the world.

I happen to be one who believes very strongly that state and local governments have their proper roles.

Sadly, Indians are not very easily accepted in Pakistan, and that has a lot to do with the governments.

Too close and unthinking an allegiance to Washington has sometimes got British governments into trouble.

Governments cannot do innovation. There are too many audits, and no one stays in a role for long enough.

If governments want to encourage good citizenship, they should try making the desired behavior more fun.

For governments at war, the media is an instrument of war or an element in war that is to be controlled.

It's a genuine dilemma for governments, deciding how much information to share in this threat-filled era.

I think there is a huge responsibility upon governments to understand the consequence of their decisions.

If you don't have collective agreements between unions and employers, governments have to legislate more.

The same European governments that hesitated to confront terrorists were more than prepared to oppose us.

Governments need to be seriously sceptical about whether new coal provides a good deal for their citizens.

If the world's using bitcoin, governments won't be able to fund wars through inflation like they do today.

When governments become large, voters cannot exercise close oversight, otherwise known as political power.

Unfortunately for governments like that of Iran, when they forbid something, people become more interested.

Disciplined governments do not engage in the economic equivalent of binge eating followed by crash dieting.

It is a fact that governments tend to put in place policies and strategies in response to current scenarios.

Crucially, African governments must ensure they prioritize the eradication of tax evasion and tax avoidance.

WikiLeaks exposed the most dangerous lies of all, which are those that are told to us by elected governments.

I spent my youth reading books in which corporations became governments, it's an old idea in science fiction.

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