Tom Hanks comes with a lot of credibility.

Tom Hanks knows the name of all the episodes.

Well, who wouldn't want to work with Tom Hanks?

I don't really have aspirations to be Tom Hanks.

Tom Hanks has built his career playing ordinary men.

If there was ever someone to look up to, it's Tom Hanks.

Sandler's always good. Tom Hanks gave me some good advice.

When Tom Hanks is in a film, you know it's going to be good.

I have met Tom Hanks. Several times. And he's been very nice.

I did get Tom Hanks to say, Life is just a box of chocolates.

He's an American treasure, I would be honored to fight Tom Hanks.

People don't know what star-struck is until they've met Tom Hanks.

I get a lot of comments from people that I remind them of a young Tom Hanks.

I was working with Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg when I was nine years old.

Tom Hanks is one of my favourite actors... I definitely want to work with him.

I've seen Jay-Z and Kanye West. I've seen actors like Tom Hanks and Nicholas Cage.

Tom Hanks is fantastic - he is one of my dad's good friends, and he's very warm and funny.

Most actors that I work with are wonderful. Jodie Foster or Tom Hanks will make anything work.

I played in 'From the Earth to the Moon,' working with Tom Hanks. He is a great guy, very smart.

It's nice to finally get scripts offered to me that aren't the ones Tom Hanks wipes his butt with.

I met two of my movie heroes. I met Tom Hanks, and I met Steven Spielberg. Oh and Quentin Tarantino.

Seriously, show me a person who's not into Tom Hanks, and I'll show you a person who is anti-happiness.

After seeing 'Big,' I wanted an elevator that opened directly into my apartment, just like Tom Hanks did.

I don't really have a lot of fun playing just straight good guys. It's not my thing. It's like Tom Hanks territory.

I learned everything about love, watching 'Splash.' That's why I'm still single, so thanks Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah for that.

When we heard that actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson, who were also in Australia, had contracted coronavirus, it was alarming.

And he doesn't really - it's never awkward when you're talking to Tom Hanks. I've never seen him have an awkward conversation with anybody.

Tom Hanks has been a huge idol of mine. I'd love to work with someone like him someday. You could learn a lot working with someone like that.

Kermit was the Everyman, the original Tom Hanks, but I have a special place in my heart for Fozzie Bear. The classic borderline hacky entertainer.

My characters in my movies are all flawed. You'll probably never see Tom Hanks in a Doug Liman film. He plays, you know, very earnest and unflawed.

Not long after 'The Pacific,' I began shooting the comedy 'Larry Crowne,' which was also with Tom Hanks, who also directed and plays the title character.

I wouldn't trade my career with anybody's. I'd trade a few movies with Tom Hanks - 'Apollo 13' and 'Forrest Gump' - but other than that, I love my career.

Could you ever call me a 'leading man?' Not really. It's not that I don't want leading man roles, but there's only so many, and they want Tom Hanks, not me.

When are we going to stop labeling everyone? How many times have I been referred to as 'out gay actor?' Do we say, 'out heterosexual actor' when we refer to Tom Hanks?

My favorite actors are Jim Carrey and Chris Farley, Tom Hanks, Robin Williams. Robin Williams is the best - to be able to do all that comedy but also be heartbreaking.

I grew up being absolutely in love with Tom Hanks. I remember, all the kids had Brad Pitt plastered all over their textbooks, and then I had Tom Hanks plastered over mine.

I would never put on 20 kilos and mess up my system because a role demands it. Hindi cinema doesn't offer you roles that get you an Oscar, anyway. Tom Hanks can do it in Hollywood; not us.

I think my friend Tom Hanks knows me. He understands me very well. He's always had a sort of parental feeling toward me. He knows I'm a big mush ball, which is just part of my personality.

It's like, once you've seen Tom Hanks win the Golden Globes, the Oscars, you've seen his wife, what kind of car he drives, when you watch his movies, you can't fully get really lost in them.

I speak as the journalist who, on the first day back at work for 'The Daily Telegraph' after the birth of my daughter, went to interview Tom Hanks with an epaulette of banana sick on my jacket.

Tom Hanks, who starred in 'The Da Vinci Code,' turns out to be related to a number of the historic characters that feature in 'The Da Vinci Code,' including William the Conqueror and Shakespeare.

I remember my first actor that I really, really fell in love with was Tom Hanks. I suppose when I was growing up and getting more serious about acting, at that point, he was the biggest actor in the world.

Truth is, we offered it to Tom Hanks, which pretty much every movie in America does, but Tom passed. Billy Bob said that Hanks recently called and said he's voting for all of us for Oscars, he loved the film.

In a perfect world, my tennis game gets better. I have kids and a beautiful wife and live on some hill somewhere that's not in Los Angeles. And the script that Tom Hanks just barely turned down gets in my hands.

I really love young Tom Hanks. He's just one of my favorites. He's a great, quirky every-man. I also love Zach Braff. I really love actors that are quirky and interesting, that sort of try to portray 'normal' people.

I don't really know a lot of famous people. I've met a lot of famous people. If I ran into Tom Hanks today, I would have to remind him who I was and he would then remember me. But he wouldn't come up to me and say, 'Hi Dave!'

One of my mom's favorite movies growing up was 'Big' with Tom Hanks. I thought, 'Oh, OK, what if we do something like that but not like that. Something more modern, with a different perspective, and maybe with an all-black cast.'

Several of the actors I've had the good fortune of working with stand out in my mind as 'ultimate'. I guess the obvious would be Tom Hanks, because he really is as fun and as genuine as he comes across in his films and interviews.

I've gone far in the movie business, but no matter how far I go, every time I pick up the phone to call Tom Hanks or Robin Williams, I wonder if they'll call me back. And you know what? Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't.

Animation is very singular. Like, even the 'Toy Story' movies. People will go, 'Oh, gosh, you're so lucky, getting to play opposite Tom Hanks!' And it's, like, 'It may have appeared to be that, but we were never in the room together.'

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