I never liked to copy things that are out there. I always like to come up with something new, something different.

I don't ever recall having a political argument with Bob Grant. I've known him a long time. I've always liked him.

Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.

I liked baseball and sports and Garbage Pail Kids and comic books. I know what it's like to really adore something.

I would say out of all the things I studied growing up, math was probably one of the things that I liked the least.

I liked the '28 Days Later' films, but they're not zombies; they're not dead. They're not using it in the same way.

I've always liked R.E.M. because, like so many things I like, they exude a warmth; I like to think that we do, too.

If work came along I liked, I would do it. If it interfered with home life for too long or took me away, I wouldn't.

'Barney Miller' was a lot of fun. I'm very fond of Abe Vigoda. Most - a lot of people on that cast - I really liked.

I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

And the fact that I liked to show off and be the center of attention really lends itself to figure skating very well.

When I first started, I wasn't trying to go viral. I just liked making funny videos, content that people would enjoy.

The older you get, the few slumber parties there are, and I hate that. I liked slumber parties. What happened to them?

I'm often daydreaming, and it's because I've always liked the idea of there being something more than the normal world.

'Mystic River' just smelled interesting to me. So I read it and liked it right away. Even the dialogue in it was great.

I used to get into the government car and switch on Chopin or someone I liked to hear at the end of a parliamentary day.

I had a very curly perm in the '80s, thanks to the 'Way You Make Me Feel' Michael Jackson video. I liked the girl in it.

I've never liked categories; I've never liked boxes; I've always tried to be unconventional as much as I possibly could.

Mick Jagger and I just really liked each other a lot. We talked all night. We had the same views on nuclear disarmament.

I liked the fact DAKS was an unknown quantity. It's more like Gucci before Tom Ford got there. There's a lot you can do.

I don't know why I always liked aerospace engineering. I was in the 10th grade when I figured that's what I wanted to do.

I was always an exhibitionist. I liked it when everyone laughed. But I didn't do plays in high school. I was too nervous.

Like most guys, I've always liked watches. I can always check the time on my phone, but having a watch is so much better.

The person I liked the best was Gerald R. Ford. He was the most decent man in politics I ever had any relationships with.

If I had the science and math capabilities, I would have liked to be a vet, but I don't! I don't have those capabilities.

I was never a boy magnet at school. There was always the girl all the guys liked and wanted to date, but it was never me.

I've always been the same since I was a kid, maybe it was the way I was brought up, but I've never liked arrogant people.

I liked being able to speak to somebody and throw it back and forth, and they can't predict what you're going to say next.

I liked masculine fabrics: Prince of Wales checks, city pinstripes, and flannels - worn with black tights, flattish shoes.

I grew up in a really small town with not a lot of money, and I liked singing, but it was just something that was a hobby.

The thing I've always liked about the playoffs is the finality of it and knowing there's so much importance on every play.

I started to play, like all kids do, not as a goalkeeper. I liked scoring goals; in the end, it's all about scoring goals.

The Lord only knows how many times I let my children go hungry rather than take secretly the bread I liked not to ask for.

Growing up, I always liked so many different sounds from so many different genres - the different aspects they could bring.

Although I had a good job as an advertising manager for a shoe company in Boston, I really liked to fool around with comedy.

The music scene in Michigan is really folky and bluegrass, but my parents played a lot of disco. They really liked to dance.

Did St. Francis preach to the birds? Whatever for? If he really liked birds he would have done better to preach to the cats.

I am not looking to be understood or liked. Like me or not, I don't care. I am an outsider, that is the way I was brought up.

I liked St. Louis, when they were in the American League, because that was going home. I had all my family and friends there.

I've painted in the past, but I only average about one painting a year, and the last painting I did, I actually really liked.

I was bored one day, so my dad took me to this acting school. I liked it more than having fun - I liked it for an actual job.

In skating there's always another jump or another spin variation or another thing to learn, and that's what I liked about it.

I didn't know how to deal with success. If there was a Rock Star 101, I would have liked to take it. It might have helped me.

That's what I always liked about science fiction - you can make the world end. Humour is my multiple warhead delivery system.

I love performing, but I never really liked show business. My success is my family. I want to be more successful as a mother.

So the Madonna thing, I wrote a song with Diplo, she liked it, tweaked it and then made it her own and it became 'Hold Tight.'

A significant regret is that I was not as good a father as I would have ideally liked to be. I was not, I think, a bad father.

People want to be liked by other people, so they adopt other people's standards, but for me, my standard had always been true.

Actually, 'Wayne's World 2' I kind of liked. I think 'Wayne's World 2' does have some creative things in it, some ideas in it.

I always liked 'Green Lantern,' but I wasn't necessarily a diehard fan. I read stories here and there when I came across them.

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