The power of music is undeniable.

Having a skill makes you undeniable.

I've always had an undeniable love for gymnastics.

I want to leave a legacy behind that is undeniable.

The positivity of the Obamas as a family is undeniable.

The best gift a fan could give me is undeniable support.

But I think it's undeniable that the Times is a liberal paper.

The past has an undeniable grip on everyone, except, perhaps, amnesiacs.

You know it's right when you feel this undeniable connection and chemistry.

I just think that women make better actors; I just do. I think it's undeniable.

The sound system influence is undeniable in hip-hop, in jungle, drum and bass, now EDM.

The Internet has been this miraculous conduit to the undeniable truth to the Holocaust.

There's a tension in Washington that was undeniable. I could write my name in the air there.

The benefits of letting produce finish on their plant, in its natural environment, is undeniable.

It is undeniable that the looming environmental crisis is partly the consequence of population growth.

The more name value I have, the better. The more undeniable I am, the better. Then I can get what I want.

Sasha Banks. She has it all; she has everything. Her mind works like no other, and her heart is undeniable.

There is a racial element: It's undeniable. We've had inequitable funding of schools for decades in the state of Michigan.

One thing is undeniable. If we are going to continue to have support for migration, we need to be able to control the numbers.

'King of the Cruiserweights' is not just something I say. Let me be straight. I am the king. You can see that. It's undeniable.

There's no changing your mind about whom you love. That's part of the tough thing about being in love - it's sort of undeniable.

The Obama administration has an undeniable pattern of using regulatory overreach and intimidation to further its political aims.

The power of Bollywood is undeniable. When a celebrity wears your clothes, it sells out - stars here can make you a household name.

Don't hole up in your apartment and just write jokes, be a real human being and develop your own voice. Then you will be undeniable.

It's undeniable that what we are taught as a culture to believe about disability is at odds with traditional notions of masculinity.

To me, that's what music entails. It's freedom, it's having the undeniable confidence to express yourself in a way that you know is right.

Donald Trump's leadership, decision-making and problem solving will restore America's role as the undeniable and unquestioned world leader.

I want to be the most melodic artist. 'His music ability, the way he write, his creativity is undeniable.' I want people to say that about me.

I definitely invented the everything bagel. There's no doubt. It's undeniable truth. It's one of those things that's 100% true, 50% of the time.

Advocates of unrestricted abortion do not want the public to focus on these undeniable facts of fetal development, but the facts cannot be ignored.

There's this moment happening in our culture where the power of the audience and the influence that people of color have is undeniable at this point.

Although the detail of our sexual energies and their objects and objectives vastly vary, the existence of our sexuality itself is an undeniable truth.

There's an undeniable thrill in seeing what's most current in our lives offered back to us in fictional guise, but it soon dates and it's never enough.

I've known from a very early age that singing was what I was supposed to do. There was this unmistaken, undeniable passion within me to sing country music.

Only in men's imagination does every truth find an effective and undeniable existence. Imagination, not invention, is the supreme master of art as of life.

Black Lives Matter was born out of our unwavering love for black people and our undeniable rage over a system that has historically dehumanized black people.

The influence of cinema on all contemporary writers is undeniable. Because film is such a powerful and popular art form, we prose writers think cinematically.

John Legend is brilliant. I feel he may be my best collaborator when it comes to delivering that undeniable soulful sound, and he does it in such a classy way.

I think that to acknowledge a new generation is to acknowledge some degree of obsolescence in yourself, and that is very hard to do and often comes with undeniable anger.

While women across the globe have many differences - language, culture, environment - our similarities are undeniable, and the impact of abuse and oppression affects us all.

When you say the word 'undisputed,' what do you think of? You think of something that is untouchable, undeniable. Myself, Bobby Fish, and Kyle O'Reilly are all of those things.

The fact that Newark is having poetry festivals and peace conferences - all of these things are building an undeniable thesis that our city is making incredible strides forward.

The very special place that a language occupies among institutions is undeniable, but there is much more to be said-, a comparison would tend rather to bring out the differences.

It is undeniable that a woman's ability to stretch and pursue her total competence outside the home and get paid what she's worth for it makes for happier and more fulfilled women.

Science fiction writers didn't predict the fade-out of NASA's manned space operations, and they weren't prepared with alternative routes to space when that decline became undeniable.

Having Ghost and Raekwon together on multiple tracks is almost like cheating because they fit so well together. Their chemistry is undeniable, and they clearly make each other better.

Those who deny human-caused climate change offer no compelling evidence to better explain the undeniable rise in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and global temperature.

One thing that is fairly undeniable about Trump - love him or loathe him - is his understanding of how to manipulate the media and to perpetuate a symbiotic relationship with the press.

Original sin is the only rational solution of the undeniable fact of the deep, universal and early manifested sinfulness of men in all ages, of every class, and in every part of the world.

The X Factor is something that's real. Once you find that X Factor, it's undeniable. No matter what the critics say about our band, we obviously have the X Factor. Redfoo has got the X Factor.

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