Crystals amplify the consciousness.

Most quarrels amplify a misunderstanding.

Nature does not steal time, it amplifies it.

Mobile phones amplify human talents for cooperation.

Discipline should amplify creativity rather than stifle it.

Speech is a rolling press that always amplifies one's emotions.

Group interaction tends to amplify people's initial inclinations

Look closely at the most embarrassing details, and amplify them.

How does nature amplify the intelligence of groups? It forms swarms.

Fame can amplify the message of art in a remarkable, meaningful way.

We need to invest in technologies that amplify human capacity, not replace it.

New media is like a megaphone. It amplifies your ability to reach more people.

Money and success don't change people; they merely amplify what is already there.

Amplify, clarify, and punctuate, and let the viewer draw his or her own conclusion.

Dreamers don't have special genes. They find circumstances that amplify their dreams.

As more intelligent computer assistance comes into being, it will amplify human progress.

Conservatives should defend free speech - but we must not amplify it when it's blatantly grotesque.

Money is neither good nor bad. It simply amplifies what is in the heart of the one who controls it.

Magic naturally fades over distance. But proximity - well, when it works, proximity amplifies magic.

My favorite sci-fi always uses its hook to amplify some bigger theme or idea - some emotional thrust.

I have found a beautiful summary of the way I work with organisations, and the values I seek to amplify.

Observing someone without context amplifies the experience. The more we know, the less we are able to feel.

Donald Trump amplifies the worst instincts. And his nationalism is really a white racist supremacist nationalism.

I just see that there's a lot that I can do as far as sparking change and helping amplify the voices of marginalized people.

Young men and women of color get told 'no' by so many people. But just listen to your inner voice. Amplify it. Make it strong!

If we need simple narratives so people can amplify and spread them, are we forced to engage only with the simplest of problems?

We are fighting misogynists in every culture. My solution is to listen to the women in each community and amplify their voices.

In creating my YouTube videos, I don't want to speak for my audience and the people I represent; I want to amplify their voices.

In most films music is brought in at the end, after the picture is more or less locked, to amplify the emotions the filmmaker wants you to feel.

I'm a sensitive guy, and I'm already one of my harshest critics, so if other people are hard on me, it just amplifies how hard I already am on myself.

Politics is pop. Our job as comedians - especially me, as a late-night talk show, which is a broader audience - is to amplify what we think America is thinking.

In 2016, one of the things I really hope to do is discover new talent and help develop it. Take what I've learned and what I can do and help amplify those voices.

You choose your own reality and you - social media then amplifies those conspiracy theories. So that's why I say social media is itself a revolutionary phenomenon.

On the other hand, the American public possesses a great resilience and strength, and good risk communication strategies can tap into and even amplify those assets.

I don't want to sound disingenuous here - controversy is obviously good for business, especially if your business is satire. And it does amplify the discussion - in my view, a good thing.

Like ministers of information, consultants condense the message, smooth out the dissonances, unify the rhetoric, and then repeat and amplify it ad nauseam through the client's rank and file.

Techno-humanism aims to amplify the power of humans, creating cyborgs and connecting humans to computers, but it still sees human interests and desires as the highest authority in the universe.

The possession targets a vulnerability in each of its victims and amplifies it. Essentially, it removes the self-control and notions of good that keep us from acting out on our darkest impulses.

If you want to amplify the data that you have, you need media, you need lawyers, you need the judiciary. Especially when governments try to shut down a particular website or when litigating on an issue.

By monitoring the activity taking place on social networks, retailers can amplify successful marketing and sales strategies and avoid weak tactics which can later be tied back to organizational objectives.

A face is a road map of someone's life. Without any need to amplify that or draw attention to it, there's a great deal that's communicated about who this person is and what their life experiences have been.

From the beginning, I conceptualised Phenomenal Woman as a social-impact initiative. I knew that the campaign wasn't really about a cool T-shirt, but rather using the T-shirt to benefit and amplify a cause.

The social-media discourse is very different from what it might be on the ground. It's easy to bloviate without having to look anyone in the eye and then having those sentiments swell and amplify and go viral.

In an era of billion-person countries and trillion-pound economies, we need to find ways to amplify our voice. We are most likely to be heard when the Chinese negotiate with a £10 trillion E.U., not a £1.5 trillion Britain.

On stage I have to amplify some of my emotions with my back or make something a little bit more obvious because my audience might be very far away from me, or very high up and find it harder to read what I'm trying to express.

As some of us can testify, the viciousness of the lobby groups funded by the fossil fuel industry, and the publications that amplify their message, knows no limits. As we have already seen, they treat even children as fair game.

I'm so inspired by the women who are far braver than I am, who have come forward with their stories and risked everything to help others. What is important is that the voices of these women do not disappear. We must amplify them.

When I'm writing, I need to amplify my thoughts and feelings on just a conversation that I might have had with somebody - somebody close to me. It's often the case that the people closest to me are the people on my mind the most.

Today we live in a world now where it is easy to confuse truth and popularity. And you can use money to amplify whatever you believe and get people to believe what is popular is now truthful. And what is not popular may not be truthful.

By far, the most determining factor of any brand is the product or the service the company produces. Branding companies have very rarely any significant influence on that, but it is, of course, in their interest to amplify their importance.

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