A director is a very selfish person. For him, his film is like his baby.

No actor can give his best performance without the help of the director.

I'm not the kind of director who imposes his processes on everybody else.

A good director's not sure when he gets on the set what he's going to do.

A great opera house isn't run by a director, but by a great administrator.

You talk about what a director, he was smart. He said, Turn the camera on!

The first thing I put down on paper is a storyboard, like a film director.

I always claim that the writer has done 90 percent of the director's work.

I was called the greatest director in Europe, but I was just a hard worker.

It was great to watch Orson Welles, not only as an actor but as a director.

I don't feel comfortable calling myself a writer or a director or an actor.

I conceived the original 'Deus Ex' and was the project director on the game.

As a DP who mostly does features, I'm normally in a director's pocket, 24/7.

I like Rebecca Miller and her writing. She's a tremendous writer and director.

The fact that I'm sleeping with the director may have something to do with it.

Rituparno Ghosh is a legendary director, and I happen to be a huge fan of his.

Really, it's the director's job to disappear and allow the movie to just feel.

If I'd said, 'I'm going to be a director,' it probably wouldn't have happened.

The cinematographer's basically translating the director's vision into imagery.

In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is the director.

When you get to work with a good director, an actor's job gets reduced to half.

Frank Capra's grandson was a second Assistant Director on 'Christmas Vacation.'

When it's a good director, you can feel when they trust you when they cast you.

I have only one rule in acting - trust the director and give him heart and soul.

To be a good director, you have to have good life experience. I'm getting there.

I am a fan of the monster and horror genre but that's not my style as a director.

It's a big opportunity to work with a director like Shashank who's had hit films.

I don't think of myself as a director or writer. I think of myself as a filmmaker.

A film director has to get a shot, no matter what he does. We're desperate people.

As the director of a film, as the story teller, you have to keep your voice alive.

You're in the business - when you're a writer, producer, director - to get ratings.

A director is a director. We shouldn't categorize one into a this or that director.

Short films really helped me develop as a story teller, animator, and as a director.

A good director has to be a captain - he has to work with a lot of people every day.

My father Kamran Khan was a successful producer, director and actor in B-grade films.

When I started crediting myself as writer and director, I saw that as a political act.

A director must be a policeman, a midwife, a psychoanalyst, a sycophant and a bastard.

It's fun to do something funny and have the director laughing. It makes you feel good.

I am very clear that when I work with a director what he or she says is the last word.

I'm not a frustrated movie director: I'm not making games because I can't make movies.

When you're artistic director of a program, you present the music you want to present.

My father worked for governments all his life as an engineer and public works director.

A good director creates an environment, which gives the actor the encouragement to fly.

It's important that the director and actor have good chemistry, and not just the actors.

DSP is not only a music director for many of my films, but he is also a very dear friend.

I am working as public relations director for the Tour de France and maintaining my farm.

When I was in college, I had only one ambition that one day I would like to be a director.

For a director and a producer to be named on the writing credits is practically unheard of.

In England, I'm a horror movie director. In Germany, I'm a filmmaker. In the US, I'm a bum.

I'm not a betting woman, but I have $50 on Secretariat with an old director friend of mine.

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