I am a fan of crime investigative series.

My investigative journalism is great; I know I get results.

There's many heroic underappreciated investigative journalists.

Seymour Hersh is one of the giants of investigative journalism.

I want to be the greatest investigative reporter of my generation.

I'm not an investigative journalist; I don't track crime or police blotters.

Enacting the role of an investigative officer was like living my childhood dream!

'Article 15' is an investigative drama where the audience too is an accused party.

The modern economics of the newsroom don't support big investigative reporting staffs.

I worked for a private investigative agency briefly. I rarely had the opportunity to snoop.

A hard-hitting investigative report that uncovers a nugget of genuine truth is the ultimate viral hit.

The amount of money that's being put into long-form investigative journalism has become less and less.

I found in investigative journalism it is always best, if you have any language skills, not to admit them.

I think as an investigative reporter I had tough standards, but I don't think of myself as a tough person.

People shouldn't expect the mass media to do investigative stories. That job belongs to the 'fringe' media.

What passes for investigative journalism is finding somebody with their pants down - literally or otherwise.

I'm a reasonably accomplished journalist. I've worked as an investigative journalist, I've done crime beat stuff.

One of the great things about journalism, at its best I mean, is its forensic, investigative truth seeking instincts.

Whether it's long-form journalism or investigative journalism, it's no fun to just be the guy diagnosing the problem.

FISA is one of the most important investigative tools we've got in preventing our adversaries from harming our country.

Clearly independent journalists - domestic journalists - run a high risk if they dare to take on serious investigative work.

I get called all kinds of things - an investigative comedian, a comedian activist - I've lost track of what my job title is.

Investigative journalism is never mass-based; it's very focused, and you want people who are passionate about it to take it.

We were the first people who did investigative stuff, who asked occasionally abrasive, occasionally confrontational questions.

I'm quite investigative. Believe it or not, my mum and dad were in the police, and I sort of like to read into things and stuff.

I believe investigative agencies should be run in an autonomous manner, and there shouldn't be any interference from the government's side.

As an investigative filmmaker, I helped expose atrocities committed by ISIS against women and girls. They are evil, and we have to stop them.

If an investigative reporter finds out that someone has been robbing the store, that may be 'gotcha' journalism, but it's also good journalism.

Where are reliable journalism and reliable investigative voices going to come from? I love the days of old - the Walter Cronkites, the Dan Rathers.

I'm a writer of fiction. I try to write about my time, but it's dangerous if I'm seen as an investigative writer. I manipulate and change and control.

Scouting is like CIA work and investigative work. You create a lot of stuff and try a lot of stuff. Some works and some doesn't. I try to get creative.

There have been as many investigative reporters on this newspaper working on Clinton's many problems as I can remember there were working on Watergate.

What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don't let that get in the way of a good story.

If I wasn't a writer/director, I would be an investigative journalist. There's something about being an undercover journalist. I mean, that's freakin' cool!

Technology has enabled government to have investigative and situational awareness on a scale and scope that were science fiction when the Stasi shut its doors.

For my film 'Fashion,' like an investigative journalist, I went about knowing the people, the models, the fashion designers. Similarly with the corporate world.

The thing that's been inhibiting long-form investigative reporting is fear - fear of being sued, of being unpopular, of being criticized by very powerful groups.

Whether I'll get the chance to write fiction, I don't know. I could do political conspiracy thrillers, couldn't I? With an investigative journalist as the heroine.

Our Constitution in many situations rightly demands a warrant or order before we take investigative steps. And the FISC provides that vital, independent oversight.

There's some irony in playing a journalist after some of the stuff that has been written about me, but it's a great profession, particularly investigative journalism.

In the United States, it's the mandate of the FBI to gather information relating to terrorism, go out and collect it, to do the interviews, to do the investigative work.

After Madrid, we intensified our investigative efforts once again, and we are in the process of bringing about expansions in security laws and creating an index file system.

With every book, you go back to school. You become a student. You become an investigative reporter. You spend a little time learning what it's like to live in someone else's shoes.

I do believe when there are advances in technology that it is important to balance the privacy interests affected with the investigative take that you might get from that technology.

Quite frankly, I'm a member of the investigative committee, one of the senior members of the panel. I don't take our investigative facts and information from a magazine or some article.

With news, especially investigative pieces, you've got to be really smart and really lucky to be timely and to not get beaten by the big guys. You can't go head-to-head with the networks.

Freedom of the press is not questioned when investigative journalism unearths scandals, But that does not mean that every classified state document should be made available to journalists.

Don't count out other amazing programming like Frontline. You will still find more hours of in-depth news programming, investigative journalism and analysis on PBS than on any other outlet.

We like long-form narrative journalism, and we feel there aren't enough high-profile outlets in Canada running the kind of stories we want to showcase - long, meaty, thoughtful, investigative.

Advertisers don't want to put their ads next to the investigative story; it's extremely difficult to do that. And very few people today actually read those serious news stories on the Web now.

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