In Munich, we play to win.

My mind-set is Munich. Most of my generation's is Vietnam.

Bayern Munich are probably the standout team on the planet.

[I] love 'Munich', man. That's a very underappreciated film.

The Pact of Munich is signed. Czechoslovakia as a power is out.

With Bayern Munich, we had a lot of problems against Dortmund, always.

I love the city and the people of Munich. I have many great friends there.

I cried when Mario Gotze told me hell leave Borussia Dortmund & join Bayern Munich

Every civilization finds it necessary to negotiate compromises with its own values.

I don't regret leaving Bayern Munich. I am convinced it was the correct step for me.

Munich is a spectacular city with fantastic flair and a tremendous passion for football.

I also work with the regular orchestras in Munich, Germany and other similar orchestras.

We are Bayern Munich and English teams always have trouble as soon as they leave the island.

I have played at the Bernabeu twice with Bayern Munich, and it was a magnificent experience.

I liked Germany; I'm not into Berlin, it's too huge and empty and imposing, but Munich was good.

After the first exams, I switched to the Faculty of Philosophy and studied Zoology in Munich and Vienna.

Pep Guardiola, when he was at Bayern Munich, he was able to reply in German in his first press conference.

If you want to go all the way in the Champions League, you're always going to face Barcelona, Real and Bayern Munich in rotation.

If you play for a team like Chelsea, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, or PSG, the aim is always to win the Champions League.

Really fantastic film, 'Munich'. So yeah, if I would say, what's the most underappreciated film, I think 'Munich' would be the one.

The combat deepens. On, ye brave, Who rush to glory or the grave! Wave, Munich! all thy banners wave, And charge with all thy chivalry!

The cost of living is not solved in Congress and Munich - the cost of living is solved here: in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Netanya and Haifa.

Kandinsky in Munich uttered the well known words: 'Everything is permitted!' In 1961; we still live by this heritage, which in truth is inexhaustible.

My webmaster lives in Munich and is a very dear friend of mine. He is doing a great job on the site and it is constantly being updated and always will.

Only Bayern Munich really have some sort of a guarantee to win if they only catch a good day. All the others need really good days to win. I like that.

I remember, with the third [Twilight] movie, when we went to Munich and the entire Olympic stadium was filled with fans. We walked in there and did nothing.

I still remember, I think it was with the third movie, when we went to Munich and the entire Olympic stadium was filled with fans, and just to walk in there and do nothing.

The stadium here in Munich is the best of the lot for me. It is absolutely fantastic, especially the way it lights up a different colour according to who is playing. It's superb

When I was still young and living in Switzerland, I had auditioned in Munich for a German film and was rejected. So I gave up and concentrated on my stage work. But I always wanted to make films.

If you are the coach of Bayern Munich, Barcelona or Real Madrid, the chances to win something are huge. When you go to the Premier League, you have six, seven, eight teams who are fighting to win.

The subject matter is very tricky. It's about the Munich massacre and what Mossad did afterwards with the assassination squads. I think it's a turning point in history, especially for the Palestinians.

In the Munich agreement in late 1938 [Franklin] Roosevelt sent his chief adviser Sumner Welles, who came back with a very supportive statement saying that Hitler was someone we could really do business with and so on.

I have climbed every step of the football ladder, from kicking a ball about in Munich's Olympic Park to becoming a junior at Bayern, signing professional terms, establishing myself in the first team and taking the captain's armband.

'Art or anti-art?' was the question I asked when I returned from Munich in 1912 and decided to abandon pure painting or painting for its own sake. I thought of introducing elements alien to painting as the only way out of a pictorial and chromatic dead end.

Naturally, it is a terrible, despicable crime when, as in Munich, people are taken hostage, people are killed. But probing the motives of those responsible and showing that they are also individuals with families and have their own story does not excuse what they did.

I'm very laid-back, and I meet people just by accident - never through agencies or anything like that. I met Paul Morrissey, who directed me in 'Dracula' and 'Frankenstein,' on a plane from Rome to Munich. He asked for my telephone number and wrote it in his passport.

I ought to have seized the initiative in 1938 instead of allowing myself to be forced into war in 1939; for war was, in any case, unavoidable. However, you can hardly blame me if the British and the French accepted at Munich every demand I made of them! (14th February 1945)

If you want to keep up with the changes, then you have to watch as much football as you can. Live is the best way but also on television. All the best teams: Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich and now City. What are they doing? If possible, go and see them training. You can always learn.

If someone doubts our right to exist - be it on the hills of Umm al-Fahem or in Munich's beer halls, in Gaza's crowded streets or in the thick woods of Babi Yar - it's their problem. Proud states do not break into wails and crawl under the carpet when they discover someone doesn't love them.

In the spring of 1854, some of my publications persuaded King Maximilian II of Bavaria to offer me, at the suggestion of Emanuel Geibel, a position in Munich with an annual salary of 1000 guilders, to take part in his so-called symposia, weekly soirees at which scholars and poets were gathered.

When [Adolf] Hitler was in Munich, their place [with Eva Braun] to meet was always his apartment. Before that, it was at Hoffmann's place. They had their routine there, Hitler had his security there, it was a place he was used to. He never got used to the apartment he got us on the Widenmayerstraße .

There's a famous slogan here in the Bavarian dialect, and we use it inside Bayern Munich. We say, 'Mia san mia.' Literally, it is, 'We are we,' but it means, 'We are who we are.' That's not being very arrogant, but we are very confident about our ability to win the game. It is about a winning mentality.

Being able to sign for a club like Bayern Munich is exciting. I've been dreaming about this since I was a kid. Those are the guys that - you know - as a kid, I was looking up to. Watching them on TV, playing with them on FIFA. Getting to be able to meet them and being able to play on the team is just exciting.

There was an exhibition in Munich in 1937, 'Degenerate Art,' which included work by Klee, Kandinsky, Beckmann and many others. The work was called 'sick' and put in the trash heap. The sentiments expressed toward contemporary art by Jesse Helms, Pat Robertson and Mayor Giuliani recall the language used by the Nazis.

There were rumors in the air that all these different clubs were looking at me but I didn't know which specific clubs. No one told me anything. And then I got a message: 'Bayern Munich want to meet you.' I was like: 'Oh my god. Really?' It was both exciting and scary. I just had to prove to myself that I could compete at this level.

I shot a lingerie campaign in Munich once during the winter, and it was actually snowing. At one point, my body literally turned blue, and we had to stop for 20 minutes to get my temperature back to normal. I kept telling myself, 'Try not think about the cold,' but that's extremely hard when you feel like your toes are about to fall off.

I joined Bayern at the age of 11, and from then on it was all about being up to the competition. It doesn't matter who you face, you are always the favorite. You learn this at a young age. And this continues throughout your career at Bayern Munich, you are always the favorite or one of the favorites in every competition you are involved in.

You might have read some stuff about me sometime in the last few years. Like when I was 15: Davies becomes second-youngest player to play in MLS. Or when I was 17: Davies makes record-breaking transfer to Bayern Munich. I guess it must have looked like I was always going to make it. But that's not how it was. Or at least that's not how it felt.

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