Ozil is a great distributor and does a lot of running.

In fact, street gangs are the primary distributor of illegal drugs in the United States.

Anytime you make a movie, the goal is a wide theatrical release, with the right distributor.

Today I divide my day between being actor, producer and distributor, and the monotony is broken.

It's quite a dangerous career move to go wilfully on making films that may not find a distributor.

We're a content company. And if we create the best content, every distributor will want what we have.

An e-book distributor is not a publisher, but rather a purveyor of work that has already been created.

To have a film in America means precisely nothing if you don't have a distributor who stands behind it.

PhotoDisc is an entirely digital provider in both CD-ROM and the Internet. Getty was primarily an analog distributor.

Sequels are not done for the audience or cinema or the filmmakers. It's for the distributor. The film becomes a brand.

When we were making the movie, winning awards for it wasn't the point at all. We didn't even have an American distributor.

When you're facing an investor or the institutions or a distributor, it's you yourself with your own ideas and your own project.

When I was 20 years old, my uncle was an arthouse distributor, and he would take me to Cannes every year to work as a film scout.

My father used to control the wholesale of many ice-cream items in Middlesbrough. He was central distributor for most of the region.

As a filmmaker, you just make the movie you want to make, and you sort of put your faith in the distributor to make sure the right people see it.

Timmy Horan was a childhood hero. He was a great distributor, elusive, good stepper, very physical, defensively very sound. What a rounded player.

Music Box has proven itself in a few short years to be a cutting edge distributor with a sophisticated understanding of both the market and cinema.

A film can reach only the places which the distributor has promised you. Several films are not released internationally, and Web has that wide reach.

Every film may not be appropriate for a theatrical release, and the theatrical business is not a very good business for anybody except the distributor.

I just saw 'Tiny Furniture' and became so obsessed with it that Judd Apatow jokes that I'm the distributor of it. I was making copies and giving them out.

If you think of the typical Herbalife distributor and their level of sophistication, to this day I still don't understand the marketing plan - true story.

A lot of movies are made, but because they come to film festivals and your movie doesn't get bought by a studio or a distributor, your movie doesn't get seen.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to find a distributor to come into Canada with it, because I think it is a wild and crazy romp that really tells things like it is.

With ShamWow, I had to become my own distributor because no one wanted it. Out of necessity you become something you're not expecting. It was actually a blessing.

A real blockbuster is one where everyone, from a small technician to a distributor, gets profits. The true success of a film is when every person involved is happy.

Roc was only supposed to be our distributor, but then they ended up recruiting me as the label's artist. They said they really liked my album 'Everything You Wanted.'

I generally sell my records online or at the show. You can undersell the distributor and the stores, and people know what they're getting cause they've just seen you live.

People think of us as an information distributor because that's how they relate to the Internet. But most of the time people already have pretty well established opinions.

Fashion is like a four-legged table: you need a good designer, a very good business manager, a good manufacturer, and a very good distributor. Without all the legs, table collapses.

When you work in film, you learn to appreciate a distributor. You can have this great little film, but if you don't have a distributor, you are sitting in your living room with a great little film.

Everyone in the book's ecology, starting with the author and including the publisher, the distributor, the booksellers, the libraries, and ending up with the reader, should benefit from a healthy book trade.

Companies should have a due diligence process to determine the likelihood that their technologies will be used to carry out human rights abuses before doing business with a particular country or distributor.

Wal-Mart is the biggest distributor of DVDs out there, but personally, I think their manufacturing policies have destroyed our economy, and they don't pay their employees enough. I have massive problems with them.

Toronto Film Festival is one of those festivals where there are 400 movies, and unless you have a distributor who is super confident and puts a lot of money into it, sometimes movies can go unwatched or unnoticed.

In Vice, I saw all of it in one. I saw a studio. I saw a content creator. I saw an agency. I saw a distributor. We want to learn from them. They're talking to a generation we're struggling to connect to as an industry.

But you just don't know where any film is going to go, or how it's going to end up. Films so often don't get the love and attention needed to get to the right festival, or find the right distributor, or get seen by the world.

It's very hard to find critics or a magazine today that will publish material that is genuinely independent and written without any concern about being cut off some distributor's list or not be invited or flown into screenings.

First, we want to have a direct relationship with our customers wherever we can. On open platforms like PC and Android, it's possible for them to get the software direct from us. We can be in contact with them and not have a third-party distributor in between.

I have no distributor... it is indicative to me that there are these pockets of players and collectors all over. You should see the correspondence I get from over the world letting me know how significant they think I am. I know that wherever I go, I am well received.

A lot of times, I can put a product together with a distributor when I go into my Rolodex for distributors. I can then put it together with a face, such as an artist. And then I can go into my databank of retailers and people that I've been working with through the years of retail, and then also manufacturing.

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