Hatton leads the wrong lifestyle to be a great fighter, and he does not have what it takes to be one of boxing's best.

An insatiable appetite for glory leads to sacrifice and death, but innate instinct leads to self-preservation and life.

Having a loving relationship with our spouse or with our children is what leads to the long-term happiness we all seek.

On American TV, there just aren't a lot of female leads in comedy, especially at the peak of all the Judd Apatow stuff.

As someone whose music is connected to his personal growth, I feel an obligation to follow this muse wherever it leads.

Amongst the minds of animals that of man leads, not as a demigod from another planet, but as a king from the same race.

If I don't agree with something, I let people know, and it occasionally leads to tension. But I usually iron things out.

Idleness among children, as among men, is the root of all evil, and leads to no other evil more certain than ill temper.

A problem with a president who leads by stirring the moral sentiments of voters is that he has got to keep stirring them.

Only people who lack wisdom would say that a project should be pursued even if it leads to wanton destruction of forests.

Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.

Autonomy leads to empowerment. We work hard to maintain a balance between collaboration and cooperation and independence.

I think it's absolutely about time that we have as many female leads as male. It's a very exciting time to be an actress.

Ambition leads me not only farther than any other man has been before me, but as far as I think it possible for man to go.

Most Americans may not realize that the news they consume is driven in part by the media mantra, 'if it bleeds, it leads.'

Fulfilling your mission is one thing; vision is another, and having a commitment to something leads you to do better work.

All the religions are basically good, but there's something about organised religion that leads to corruptness and poison.

Those who fat shame, I want to tell them being happy has nothing to do with body weight but how one leads his or her life.

Gerrard is passionate, and he leads from the front. At times, he has lifted Liverpool to great wins almost single-handedly.

Improvisation, if you play it at the top of your intelligence, leads to a kind of truth that people find really accessible.

Democracy is fatal for the arts; it leads only to chaos or the achievement of new and lower common denominators of quality.

Socialism most always leads to a failure of democracy because the economic system ultimately cannot provide for its people.

In the democratic western countries so-called capitalism leads a saturnalia of 'freedom', like a bastard brother of reform.

In almost every technology area that we're ahead in, we're ahead in because the United States leads the world in computers.

There is something about a poet which leads us to believe that he died, in many cases, as long as 20 years before his birth.

The fact that I have a Southern accent and write about a lot of rural things leads people to put me in the country category.

Expecting to be wrong about most things most of the time brings, finally, the kind of humility that leads to peace. I think.

Even in national crisis, it is important that we continue to stand up for our community and follow where our faith leads us.

Balance is good, because one extreme or the other leads to misery, and I've spent a lot of my life at one of those extremes.

It's important to be successful, and not just because there is competition, but also because it leads to better work for you.

I learned a long time ago that trying to micromanage the perfect vacation is always a disaster. That leads to terrible times.

The facts are always friendly, every bit of evidence one can acquire, in any area, leads one that much closer to what is true.

With brain and body, it's great if you have a connection between the two, but when separated, that leads to a lot of conflict.

Preventing radicalization that leads to violence here in America is part of our larger strategy to decisively defeat al Qaeda.

Eviction often leads to a disruption in critical services like Medicaid and nutrition assistance when families need them most.

History shows that, more often than not, loss of sovereignty leads to liberalisation imposed in the interests of the powerful.

Temptation coaxes us toward sin, and sin leads to sickness and death, and ultimately confinement in the realm of the evil one.

What leads to a growth - skills, demographics, natural resources, democracy, entrepreneurship - India has in abundant measure.

Anything you can do extra like be more focused, pay more attention to detail, be more fundamental, that leads to less mistakes.

ITC looks forward to working with the chief minister and the government of India to ensure trade leads to impact on the ground.

Active management leads to lots of poor investor behavior. It sends people chasing after whoever has the hot hand at the moment.

Over the centuries, monumental upheavals in science have emerged time and again from following the leads set out by mathematics.

The connections in the brain fade away unless used. We know that early stimulation of children leads to higher cognitive scores.

True hopefulness and optimism is what leads one to dare. It is also what lifts one back up to dare again after a failed attempt.

Stress impacts the way we think, feel, and behave. It often leads to a negative, self-perpetuating cycle that is hard to escape.

God is never on the sidelines of His children's lives. He goes before them. He leads them, guides them, protects and saves them.

A revolution is impossible without a revolutionary situation; furthermore, not every revolutionary situation leads to revolution.

It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.

Reasoning at every step he treads, Man yet mistakes his way, Whilst meaner things, whom instinct leads, Are rarely known to stray.

Typically, the theme of my albums, if there is a theme, is, 'How does it feel?' And that always leads to love songs. It just does.

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