To me, when a great band is playing together, it's amazing for me.

I miss the newness of Magic Eye posters, which really are amazing.

It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.

I love firing guns. It's an amazing feeling - so sexy and powerful.

It's amazing how, over time, a person's perspective can be altered.

I like pens. My writing is so amazing there's never a need to erase.

I think that a lot of companies are still amazingly price sensitive.

I play a musical instrument a little, but only for my own amazement.

I am just a girl chasing her dreams and having an amazing adventure.

Isn't it amazing how much stuff we get done the day before vacation?

It's amazing to me that young people will still pick up a cigarette.

It's amazing marrying someone who wants nothing to do with Hollywood.

I suppose it's amazing how quick life goes by when you have children.

Usher is amazing. He's perfection to me as a performer. He gets down.

The hymn 'Amazing Grace' is so inspirational - I wish I'd written it.

I think realising that you're individual and unique is really amazing.

Do you like my suit? I think this is an amazing suit, don't you think?

It's truly amazing to see where determination and drive will lead you.

The people I've been exposed to have been people of amazing integrity.

I love that '...Baby One More Time' video, to be honest; it's amazing.

I was lucky to have amazing mentors like Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson.

It's amazing what the power of sport does for children and communities.

My personal favorite is Woody Allen, who is just amazing as a comedian.

Dublin is one of my favourite cities. It's an absolutely amazing place.

I always felt thrilled and amazed that I could put actor on my tax form.

Chicago is a world-class city filled with amazing people with big ideas.

Chennai has amazing talent, but in terms of organization... not so much.

It's amazing, if you know what you want to say, how fast it is to write.

I'm thankful that l I have an amazing family, black women that raised me.

It's amazing how much you can learn if your intentions are truly earnest.

Failure is an amazing data point that tells you which direction not to go.

I want to be remembered as, I hope, an amazing husband and a great father.

I'm not a kid anymore. And I'm excited for all the amazing things to come.

So much of 'Jaws' was amazing because the mind filled in what was missing.

It is amazing how nice people are to you when they know you're going away.

My family is just an amazing melting pot of wonderful religions and faiths.

It's quite amazing how tattoos in general have been more and more accepted.

London gives birth to amazing talent but is rubbish at helping maintain it.

The body can do amazing things in a situation when it is really called for.

It's amazing how confused and distracted and misdirected so many people are.

It's amazing what a coral-colored necklace can do to a plain brown cardigan.

Isn't it amazing the way the future succeeds in creating an appropriate past?

The opportunity, number one, to work with Ang Lee is an amazing thing for me.

It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.

I am indeed amazed when I consider how weak my mind is and how prone to error.

It's every little girl's dream to have an exact look-alike doll. It's amazing.

Emmanuel Lewis was amazing to work with. I'll love that guy to the end of time.

Isn't it amazing how celebrity status preempts even the most ingrained hatreds?

I seem to be landing a lot of roles with animal interactions, which is amazing.

Exercise is amazing, from the inside out. I feel so alive and have more energy.

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