If anyone asks you what kind of music you play, tell him 'pop.' Don't tell him 'rock'n'roll' or they won't even let you in the hotel.

When I was off TV, people would ask me to please come back, which I think was their way of saying, 'There's nothing out there for us.'

You - as a director, you have to do your job, you have to show things, and you don't have to ask the actors to do it, or the dialogue.

I don't ask for the meaning of the song of a bird or the rising of the sun on a misty morning. There they are, and they are beautiful.

Ask any athlete: We all hurt at times. I'm asking my body to go through seven different tasks. To ask it not to ache would be too much.

People ask me if I live each day like it's my last, and I don't. I live each day like it's my first, and I can't wait for the next one.

If you ask anybody what they think of clowns, it's associated as much or more with something crazy and scary as it is something joyful.

Integrate what you believe in every single area of your life. Take your heart to work and ask the most and best of everybody else, too.

The only question which any wise man can ask himself, and which any honest man will ask himself, is whether a doctrine is true or false.

Good fiction creates empathy. A novel takes you somewhere and asks you to look through the eyes of another person, to live another life.

I've been very fortunate, but it also never occurred to me that I couldn't do something or that I couldn't ask if I could try something.

You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new.

I'm very, very competitive. If my grandmother asks to race me down the street, I'm going to try to beat her. And I'll probably enjoy it!

The healthy and strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he's got an abscess on his knee or in his soul.

Your Friday and Saturday nights are sacred. When a new guy asks for a prime-time date early on, suggest drinks and make him the warm-up.

If - when someone asks me a question, if I could just focus on not joking, I think that would be great, because for some reason, I can't.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.'

I remember things that happened sixty years ago, but if you ask me where I left my car keys five minutes ago, that's sometimes a problem.

Absolutely father knows best, always do what your fathers say, and if you can't find one then just ask me, I am a father and I know best.

I've had lots of kids come up and ask for my autograph, I've had a grandmother stop me and ask me if I know a good place to buy underwear.

When people ask me about Cade, how he's doing or how we're doing, I always end up saying, 'Oh he's great, he's a keeper, he's a good one.'

Some people only ask others to do something. I believe that, why should I wait for someone else? Why don't I take a step and move forward.

I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.

I am not a farmer; I am a researcher who studies the plants that come to your dinner table, which means that I ask questions for a living.

Writers are nosy people; we are endlessly curious: we ask questions when we shouldn't - we peek around corners when we are least expected.

People often ask me if I believe in God, and I kinda have to, because I'm still here. I had not planned on living this long, and here I am.

You ask why I'm fascinated by the human figure? As a human animal, I am interested in some of my fellow animals: in their minds and bodies.

I carried out my orders until arrested. I had no sense that I was spying, and I ask that this be taken into account in deciding my verdict.

If you see something that doesn't make sense, ask. Change it. Think about dollars, think about your soldiers' time, think about efficiency.

A lot of people like to ask me, 'Ali, how on earth do you balance family and career?' Men never get asked that question. Because they don't.

Donald calls me and asks me what I think. Very often I will answer him, but Donald Trump is his own adviser. He is his own campaign manager.

You think I'm going to ask these sweet 14 year olds to ask their parents to buy a $100 ticket then run around in latex and lip sync? No way.

The function of the artist in a disturbed society is to give awareness of the universe, to ask the right questions, and to elevate the mind.

Learn to ask for what you want. The worst people can do is not give you what you ask for which is precisely where you were before you asked.

You gonna ask me who I compare myself to? Nobody. I don't think nobody can really mess with me as far as flyness or anything that I'm doing.

When I was starting out I was way too scared to ask real directors how to do it or ask for advice, I'm really kind of New Zealand like that.

Standing as I do, with my hand upon this staff, and under the folds of the American flag, I ask you to stand by me so long as I stand by it.

I like chatting with people. If people ask me a direct question, I give them a direct answer and I feel I've always done that with the press.

A large part of my career achievements are due to having the courage to ask for what I needed, whether in a professional or personal context.

I will be making films, and I'm going to keep working, no matter what I have to do. And I don't plan to ever ask for permission from anybody.

If God is slow in answering your request, or if you ask but do not promptly receive anything, do not be upset, for you are not wiser than God.

When men talk about defense, they always claim to be protecting women and children, but they never ask the women and children what they think.

The question the electorate asks is: 'What can you do for us? Are you just using us to defeat somebody because you have a personal grievance?'

People make up things. If you ask the guys in this clubhouse I played with, I've never been a troublemaker. I don't know where that came from.

To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, who could I ask?

Perhaps at some time in the future, when you ask a friend to come up and look at your etchings, you will plug in your collection of video art.

Almost every day, someone asks if I ever flat iron my hair. I say, 'No, because I'm afraid it wouldn't look good and wouldn't come back curly.'

Every time something bad happens to me, I don't ask the question, 'Why did it happen to me?' The question I ask is, 'Why did it happen for me?'

I'm actually a very honest person, and sometimes I end up like, 'Man, I said too much.' It's hard for me not to tell the truth when you ask me.

Love is the total absence of fear. Love asks no questions. Its natural state is one of extension and expansion, not comparison and measurement.

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