Quintilius Varus, Give me back my legions!

His name is Legion. He is the king of nowhere.

I've been at every American Legion and VFW post in my district.

Watch for the devil. When there’s a god, there’s always a legion of devils.

You can spend your whole life in France without ever thinking about the Legion.

Legions and fleets are not such sure bulwarks of imperial power as a numerous family

My first memory of King Kong Bundy was on TBS, and he was a member of Legion of Doom.

I'm a member of the American legion and VFW, patron member of the Jewish War Veterans.

I was hired to do as many Boy Commando, Newsboy Legion, and Sandman stories as I could.

The cross of the Legion of Honor has been conferred on me. However, few escape that distinction.

Here is true immorality: ignorance and stupidity; the devil is nothing but this. His name is Legion.

I have a legion of friends and the best ones are my immediate family, which is very cliched but true.

God is alone,-but the devil, he is far from being alone; he sees a great deal of company; he is legion.

The cinematic universe will not worry about 'Legion.' They will not worry about these TV worlds at all.

Senator Sanders, of course, has campaigned for Hillary Clinton. But what about his legions of supporters?

The day after I got an agent, I got called in for a role in a TV movie called 'Legion Of Fire: Killer Ants.'

The people like the American Legion Post that gave us a chance to play. A place to play and a chance to play.

It is unthinkable for a Frenchman to arrive at middle age without having syphilis and the Cross of the Legion of Honor.

I was always impressed by the Road Warriors and Legion of Doom. They were just so large and bigger than life in every possible way.

If the concept of the Enterprise crew meeting the Legion of Super-Heroes doesn't appeal to you, there may be something wrong with you.

Lance Armstrong has joined the legion of the lost, the great athletes who were barred or exiled for sins admitted or charged or suspected.

There's a Legion that never was 'listed, That carries no colours or crest, But, split in a thousand detachments, Is breaking the road for the rest.

The American Legion is a cornerstone of the community of South Jersey, and the United States, and its programs and activities strengthen our nation.

'The Stars are Legion' is part space opera, part thriller, about two warring families battling it out for control over a legion of organic starships.

For every hate-filled attempt to harm, there will be always the legion of those who do not hesitate to give their help and care to a stranger when it is needed.

I'd rather excite the imagination of a legion of readers and make pennies from each of them than hold off for a larger chunk of change from only a handful of fans.

The Green Berets of U.S. Special Forces 5th Group - known as 'the Legion' - who led the anti-Taliban campaign represent a textbook case of a successful Special Forces campaign.

Every age has found some alternative to American values appealing. The number of Western intellectuals enamored of fascism and all the various expressions of Marxism was legion.

'Legion' was a lot of fun to shoot. It was a real unique apocalypse scenario that takes place in a diner out in the desert. Very much like a drive-in B-movie, but in a good way.

The first comic book I ever read was an issue of 'Legion of Super-Heroes' where the earth was surrounded by all of these chains. I remember the cover; I got it at a birthday party.

Connected with the fall of Satan is his lameness. The devil is represented in art and in legion as limping on one foot; this was occasioned by his having broken his leg in his fall.

I love to say that what's great about 'Legion' is that if you haven't read a comic book and you haven't seen an 'X-Men' movie, you can come in and understand it - and this can be your comic.

Anyone who has ever been an ugly adolescent - and we are legion - knows that the feeling of being unlovely and unlovable never goes away; it is always there, lurking just beneath the surface.

Along with all those books about Lincoln, Obama might read some biographies of Napoleon. The general who established the Legion d'Honneur understood that people fought as much for medals as for morals.

You know Sarkozy offered me the Legion d'honneur medal? I refused. People said I refused because I don't like Sarkozy, but that's ridiculous. I refused because I don't like decorations - except on women.

The first conversations I had for 'Legion' were right as the first year of 'Fargo' was ending. 'Daredevil' hadn't even begun then, so when signing on, I had no real sense of the onslaught that was coming.

Pros in state capitals across the country and inside the Beltway might be more skeptical, but they're still vulnerable. They should be on vigilant watch for Sacha Baron Cohen and a legion of his imitators.

The places where I have the nameless character in 'My Name Is Legion' meet his boss are real places I've been to. That works well for tax purposes, writing into my stories the places I've actually visited.

I'm a fixer, unfortunately. I'm like, 'Oh, I can fix you.' But it's not just guys I'm dating anymore. It's this entire legion of young girls who tell me they need me to maintain any sort of sanity or peace.

Football fans share a universal language that cuts across many cultures and many personality types. A serious football fan is never alone. We are legion, and football is often the only thing we have in common.

I agree with the British Legion that we have a responsibility to support our troops and support their families, particularly when we are asking people to do very difficult and dangerous things for our security.

When I was growing up, it was a lot of punk and hardcore music going on in legion halls and firehouses, and we'd play those shows, and it was very Jersey. It was very suburban, and there's just a great pride there.

Private companies mostly manufacture medications that resemble what we've already got. They get it patented and, with a hefty dose of marketing, a legion of lawyers, and a strong lobby, can live off the profits for years.

The revolution breaks out; they form this group of swordsmen called the Black Legion. Alex Dumas is there at every moment, protecting the revolution and protecting France, and he rises to the equivalent of a four-star general.

In the real world, I see conservatives volunteering at adoption agencies, at churches, at bake sales and the local American Legion Post while the only charity a progressive sends is a smug sermon on fair share and what fairness is.

Conservatives who decried Trump's rise (and those who scoffed at his chances of winning a single primary were legion) are the same 'purist' boxing snobs who could never grasp the popularity - and populist legitimacy - of wrestling.

As a kid, I always wanted to be lots of things. I was a Walter Mitty type. I wanted to be in the French Foreign Legion, a detective, a doctor, a test pilot with a scarf, a fisherman who hauled in a tremendous marlin after a 12-hour fight.

Joe Louis was one of my closest friends.... I'm a great boxing fan. I used to go to the American Legion Stadium in Hollywood, every Friday night for 15 years. Down the aisle would come Lupe Velez, Johnny Weismuller, Mae West. All at ringside.

'Legion' is meant to be a show that is a state of mind. But the problem with TV is that there are commercials. There's a hypnotic quality to the way we put it together. I need to get you out of your life in the first seven minutes of that show.

Social media has created a legion of social delinquents, billions of people speaking not their minds but their spleens, venting everything from the gum-cracking snark befitting a hair-twisting mallrat to the froth-flecked rage of a bell tower marksman.

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