Voting, for me, has always been a family affair.

My family and friends treat me as they always have.

My family has always encouraged me to think of the needy.

We're not an acting family, but my parents have always encouraged me.

For me, family always comes first; I would do anything to protect them.

People treat me like family, 'cause I've always treated them like family.

For me, the burning desire has always been about building what my family had.

My dad went to USC and it always had been very important to me and my family.

I've always had darts around me growing up because my family has always played it.

It always excites me to meet new family members. I'd like to meet them all someday.

I like having family and friends around me. Our house is always overflowing with guests.

I always had to be there for my family. I think that helped me a lot to adjust to the NBA.

More than my dream it was my family's dream that I play for India and they always supported me.

My family is the most important thing to me because they're always there for me when times are down.

My family background has always been very supportive. They're going to be there for me no matter what.

My family has always been there to support me along the way. My coach, John Nicks, is a great influence.

My own mother always taught me that fairness was a family value - I think equal pay is about fairness for everyone.

I've always been very open about how my mother taught me to cook and how I'm delighted to share my family's recipes.

My father was always clowning around. It was a huge influence on me. In my family, everything is turned into a joke.

My father has been the real anchor of the family. He's the one who has always encouraged my mother, my brother and me.

My family has always been my circle. I know it might sound kind of weird, but if you know a little bit about me, you'd understand.

People always tell me that they grew up with me - like I'm their brother or uncle or some other family member. That keeps me going.

I've got friends in the different teams I've played for, but family is the most important thing to me. That will always be the case.

Traditions are always puzzling to those who don't share them. I'm Jewish, so the idea of a 'perfect family Christmas' is foreign to me.

My family is important to me. They have always been close to me during my career, victories and defeats, and the most difficult moments.

My family are tennis coaches, and they always brought me to the tennis club. I basically had no other option than to start playing tennis.

The few people who ask to have their photographs with me, I almost always say yes, except for a few circumstances, like when my family is around.

I got into a lot of trouble. Maybe that's why my parents didn't really like me and I didn't blend in with my family. I was always the naughty one.

I always felt a bit of a nerd, but my family gets me and my oddities. My kids and partner are way cooler than I am, but they let me in the room with them.

I always thought my family was so bizarre, so when people started coming up to me and saying, 'My family was exactly like yours,' I was completely knocked out.

I have a wonderful shelter, which is my family. I have a wonderful relationship with my brother and sister; this makes me feel that I know always where I belong.

I'm very lucky with my family. They've always been very encouraging, and they never thought that anything would hold me back. I'm very fortunate to have had that.

I wasn't always Rhodes, but I was always Dusty. I was never called Virgil - not by my family, not by my friends. Even my teachers at school didn't call me Virgil.

I'm always drawn toward family drama, and dysfunctional family stories. It speaks to me, in a really profound way, and I think there's so much to explore within it.

I always preach this to people, even my teammates and family: 'Always know someone's working harder than you, trying to get that spot you have.' That's what drives me.

I do Facebook, but I only have my friends and family on it, and they always laugh at me for how little I post. I don't know how to upload photos, so I never add pictures.

My parents elected me president of the family when I was 4. We actually had an election every year, and I always won. I'm an only child, and I could count on my mother's vote.

I have always gravitated toward levity and my parents; I'm sure they have a VHS tape of me when I'm making jokes and trying to make faces when the family was taking a picture.

I looked up to my father when I was 7 and 8. I believed it was my calling to be in the big leagues. I'd been raised by a family that always told me I could do anything I wanted.

I was like the family clown. The middle child entertaining. I was a lousy student, but interestingly, the nuns always let me write plays or do drawings, endless special projects.

OK, I have a nickname. My family calls me 'Trey' because I'm William the third. My dad has the same name, which is always confusing because my dad is well known, and I'm also known.

I was always an avid reader of books. My vocabulary, my English are all thanks to that reading habit. Reading keeps me grounded. I came from a very middle class family - poor, in fact.

I always tell my family - and they laugh about it - but someday, I will write a vegetarian book. My cousin, who's a big vegetarian, tells me flat out, 'You're my favorite vegetarian chef.'

I always thought of deer as solitary animals that weren't very interesting. But my goodness, that was very wrong. The big eye-opener for me was that they're social. They have family groups.

I have always told my family that I don't want my birthday to be celebrated and that they shouldn't get me anything, even though if they didn't I'd probably write a standup routine about it.

My whole family are in the entertainment industry. It is always something I was used to; I was quite lucky growing up. To all my friends, it was quite exciting, but to me it was quite normal.

I've always been very competitive - that runs in our family. I'd always try to beat my brother. I'd race the boys and wanted to beat them. They toughened me up. They didn't treat me like a girl.

Quite a lot of people wanted me to write about my family, I suppose for fairly obvious reasons, and there was always something that would stop me, I thought they were asking me for the wrong motives.

You will always come across people who will put you down, but I am fortunate that my family are very uplifting and support me. I always know that at the end of the day I can go to them, and they will help me out.

I was actually very pleased that they let me do it, because I feel very deeply for breast cancer survivors. I don't have it, but it is in my family. I've always been very aware of it. I go for mammograms and checkups.

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