I was blessed to grow up in really interesting times and to go back to a home where I was very safe.

When you grow up with a name like Brad Thor, people expect you to be 6-foot-4 and a pile of muscles.

When you grow up in poverty and learn how to survive it, it's something that stays with you forever.

My memoir is about my time in film and the decision to leave Hollywood, grow up, and stop pretending.

The solution to adult problems tomorrow depends on large measure upon how our children grow up today.

I didn't grow up with a mother, so I don't have that resource to rely on and ask a million questions.

To call the police is a really big deal because you don't snitch - that's the culture you grow up in.

I think that there's got to be a comic gene in some way, but it's so much about it is how you grow up.

I know what hard times are like. I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth. I've had struggles.

I was bullied as a boy - lots of kids are, but hopefully most of us get on with our lives and grow up.

I was able to grow up and do silly things and have a life with only a small amount of public scrutiny.

I want my kids to grow up in a country where, you know, we can still shout questions at the president.

You can't have a decent food culture without a decent coffee culture: the two things grow up together.

Usually cartoon characters stay a certain age; that's part of their appeal. Usually they don't grow up.

I think it's really good for a family or children to have a dog, cat, bird or whatever to grow up with.

It's only 60,000. It's not a big town. It's a big hockey town. Everybody plays hockey when you grow up.

I have a good time performing for girls. I think the guys will come when I grow up musically. We'll see.

I did not grow up a cinefile. No one in my family was in the film business or even anything close to it.

Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because they are looking for ideas.

Brooklyn is not the easiest place to grow up in, although I wouldn't change that experience for anything.

I have three girls, and that makes me think more about what sort of country I want my kids to grow up in.

I did absolutely grow up in a world surrounded by people who were always performing and being flamboyant.

I was always enamored with TV shows and movies. But you didn't grow up in my town and turn into an actor.

I watch all sports in some shape or form. When you grow up in a small town, sports becomes a form of you.

The biggest thing for me is wanting my kids to grow up safely and have happy lives. To me, that's enough.

Canada had the good health-care system and educational system. It was a privilege for me to grow up there.

Many dogs grow up without rules or boundaries. They need exercise, discipline and affection in that order.

If you dream the proper dreams, and share the myths with people, they will want to grow up to be like you.

Photography can never grow up if it imitates some other medium. It has to walk alone; it has to be itself.

I need to stop carving out four-hour chunks to do random things and go home and watch my children grow up.

I want my daughter to grow up with some kind of ambition. I want her to work and to have that independence.

Watching my kids grow up made me realize that they would never know a world or a time without the Internet.

My father was never around, and my mother used to worry that the kids won't grow up to be connected to him.

My greatest environments in which I can grow, or grow up, is in personal romantic relationships with a man.

You grow up a lot in terms of your understanding of the industry and how to deal with the corporate things.

I don't think I ate a green vegetable until I was 30. I didn't grow up with a mom who enforced that at all.

I didn't really grow up on hip-hop. Ella Fitzgerald and the old school jazz divas are more my comfort zone.

All children are natural actors, and I'm still a kid. If you grow up completely, you can never be an actor.

Your parents would not be happy if you came home and said you wanted to grow up to be a chef or a rock star.

I didn't grow up thinking of movies as film, or art, but as movies, something to do on a Saturday afternoon.

I'm really a singer, so I love songs and I love singing. I like rap music, but I didn't grow up freestyling.

I'm just doing the best I can now to keep this going... trying to grow up and remain young at the same time.

When I grow up I am going to be a ballerina. I will be in Giselle. It will be so much fun being a ballerina.

I didn't grow up with a lot of money, but I grew up with a lot of opportunities that many people don't have.

Refusing to grow up is like refusing to accept your limitations. That's why I don't think we'll ever grow up.

I want my kids to grow up and enjoy their childhood and be carefree. I never really got a chance to be a kid.

Prior to my election, young Cherokee girls would never have thought that they might grow up and become chief.

If you're financially responsible, your children have a much better chance to grow up financially responsible.

When you're asked/told to come to Canberra by your Prime Minister, in the country I grow up in, you obey that.

It's odd to grow up in a gaming town because... we know all of the tricks that are going on behind the scenes.

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