I drink a lot of water. Lots and lots of water!

I want to be an inspiration to lots and lots of children.

My mother had lots and lots of children who didn't survive.

I have lots and lots of party clothes. I mean real party clothes.

I'm easy to look like, so there are lots and lots of Dolly look-alikes.

It will create lots and lots of jobs once we switch over to a pony based economy.

I've turned down lots and lots of work. Things that could have made me some money.

Comedy is not funny. Comedy is hard work and timing and lots and lots of rehearsals.

If we were to put out a song in English, we would have to put in lots and lots of effort.

It's impossible for a couple to bring up two children without having lots and lots of arguments.

I'm more conservative with make-up. My everyday look is a bit of concealer with lots and lots of mascara.

My whole background, my whole life was just lots and lots of theater, a lot of that being musical theater.

A good procrastination should feel like you're inserting lots and lots of commas into the sentence of your life.

I'd rather have a good food - lots and lots of different varieties of good foods - than search for something perfect.

I grew up in a pretty large family. We were really close-knit, so I definitely want to have lots and lots of children.

I eat the same foods almost every day. I have my favorites like Filipino beef broth, chicken soup with lots and lots of rice.

All I wanted was to be married, loved and to spend my life with somebody who cared for me and have lots and lots of children.

Yes, we're pretty into books around my house. We have lots and lots of books around. We have TV, but really no one ever watches it.

There are lots and lots of good actors out there, and often it's just luck if what you bring to the table syncs with the director's vision.

I've got lots and lots planned out, and other ideas knocking around in my head, too. I'm kind of an obsessive pre-planner, so I have a lot of material.

I believe in nourishment and having a balanced diet. I avoid bingeing and try and eat healthy, especially lots of amla, and drink lots and lots of water.

As to a media personality, well that just happened in large measure because people found me amusing, and I did lots and lots of T.V. news interview shows.

Phillip Harrison was the production designer, though, I think he's uncredited. He's done most of my films like Blue Thunder. Lots and lots over the years.

One thing that writers have in common is that they are readers first. They have read lots and lots of stuff, because they're just infested with lots of stuff.

All you need is lots and lots of data and lots of information about what the right answer is, and you'll be able to train a big neural net to do what you want.

I'd like to believe that tomorrow is another challenge for me. I'm sure there is lots more for me to do, because there is lots and lots of stuff still to be explored.

In week one of the 'X Factor,' just to be a little bit quirky, I decided to say that I like girls who eat carrots. Ever since I've had lots and lots and lots of carrots.

Reading and understanding the Bible involves lots and lots of interpretation. Not just in light of the world and culture around us, but in reference to other parts of the Bible.

While I do think that good health, skin and hair has a lot to do with genetics, so I do have my parents to thank for it, but I do make it a point to drink lots and lots of water.

People don't want lots and lots of single purpose devices. They do not want to have to learn how to set up something for photos, another thing for music, another thing for video.

I'm a terrible packer. I don't pack lots and lots because I think I'll wear everything, I pack a lot because I never know what I'm going to need. I always go over the weight limit.

If you think of the ideas of open source applied to information in an encyclopedia, you get to Wikipedia - lots and lots of small contributions that bubble up to something that's meaningful.

I know lots and lots and lots of vegetarians who think it's perfectly all right to kill animals for food to eat, but don't do it because they think all the ways in which it's done are wrong.

When you're doing lots and lots of episodes and you're playing the same character, it's great because you really get to know the character and it becomes a really fast style and you find subtleties in it.

I can completely take a second World War gun apart and put it back together again thanks to 'Band Of Brothers.' That's always useful. I've got lots and lots of random skills I'll probably never need again.

I've always worked a bit like a cook in a big restaurant, where you've got lots and lots of things laid out and you go and look into one cauldron and you look into the other and you see what's coming to the boil.

I think that people in the Bible Belt are far less monolithically religious than many people imagine. There are lots and lots of people who are free-thinking, secularists, or atheists in the so-called Bible Belt.

If low taxes were the way that people like me created wealth, then we'd be starting our companies in the Congo or Somalia or Afghanistan, but we're not. We come to places where there are lots and lots of customers.

I hope that seeing the excitement of solving this problem will make young mathematicians realize that there are lots and lots of other problems in mathematics which are going to be just as challenging in the future.

Now I love hoops. I'm a diehard UCLA fan, have been since my freshman year. But basketball is the '1812 Overture.' Pomp and circumstance, fireworks and cannons, lots and lots of fun, and in the end, still Tchaikovsky.

I don't think I'm mainstream. I think what I am is lots and lots of different cults. And when you get lots and lots of small groups who like you a lot, they add up to a big group without ever actually becoming mainstream.

We bless the organized church structures and their meetings. But if there are 10,000 others that meet outside of these ecclesiastical structures, that's wonderful, too. The kingdom of God moves forward in lots and lots of ways.

Partly because of the way I write - I don't work with an outline or in a straight line. I work where I can see things happening, and so I get lots and lots of little bits to start with, and I'm doing the research at the same time.

I read a lot; fiction and non-fiction are the mediums I find most edifying and inspiring. I watch movies and listen to music and take lots and lots of walks. Nature is a nice reset button for me, it's how I get a lot of thinking done.

I'm almost 60. I've been doing this for a while. In order to do this for that long, you have to make decisions based on lots and lots of different criteria, you know. I mean, the criteria has to shift, especially if you're an actress.

Women are blessed with lots and lots of extra ways to win or lose validation. If you're a woman, you'll be judged on your beauty and your wit and how often you smile. You'll be judged on how much hair you have in some places and not in others.

It's a miracle was the last track recorded for the album, we based it on the rhythm from the middle of 'Late Home Tonight, where there's Graham Broad playing lots and lots of drums with me shouting in the background, pretending to be a mad Arab leader.

My dad moved to London in his early 20s and didn't really go back. So the irony is I've spent lots and lots of time in Ireland, but not with my dad. I've shot films in Belfast, where he's from. And I've shot in Dun Laoghaire. Which is great. And I've shot in Dublin.

I've had a bit of experience at lots and lots of different arenas as it were, some of them completely creative, some of them quite technical. The interesting thing is, is that I found that the technical arenas actually are also very creative or can be very creative.

When you get the high art of William Shakespeare and the greatest love story ever told, and you collision crash it with the low art of the tacky garden gnome, you're going to have lots and lots of opportunity for fun and putting your tongue very firmly in your cheek.

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