Bringing democratic control to the conduct of foreign policy requires a struggle merely to force the issue onto the public agenda.

Before I latched onto the concept of stereotypes, not once did I reckon with the fact that I would never be a 'Hollywood starlet.'

We used to travel through Alabama a lot and get onto back roads and just marvel at how pretty it was and how nice the people were.

I really enjoy squeezing out a big lump of paint directly onto the canvas and leaving it; fresh, immediate and sometimes shocking.

My biggest influence growing up was Avicii, who put me onto creating the sorts of melodies that feature throughout my songs today.

Before I walk onto the stage, it's about the centrality of Jesus and just really keeping a focus on Jesus as opposed to ourselves.

I think every girl needs a good lip split story, I have one. I fell onto my front door doorknob coming back from the mailbox, once.

I'm one of those people who's always changing. There's nothing wrong with it but it means I am a hard person to hold onto, I guess.

Every time you step onto the field, you have to set goals. My goals are to either score a goal, to have an assist, or to play well.

I enjoy every minute, because there are going to be a lot of moments in your future that you're going to wish you held onto longer.

Women hang onto the romanticism of a relationship. But a man compartmentalises it into the past and then gets on with his new life.

To bring the 'Robb Report' onto the PMC digital platform is a remarkable opportunity to further propel this pioneering media brand.

One of the annoying things when you're in a movie is that gets talked about is everyone projects meaning onto everyone's intentions.

I think if you've held onto a character for several years and then you're getting rid of that character, it's going to be traumatic.

Once we start hitting lyrical themes that can whack you from all these different perspectives, we know we're onto something special.

Every soldier I've ever met knows that you've got to do more than just run out onto the battlefield screaming, 'We're going to win!'

I was so scared of the water when I was little. I used to grab onto Mum's hand to get out of the pool. I did not even want to shower.

The guys in my band buy instruments and sell and trade them. But if I have something I hang onto it. Everything is sentimental to me.

I would come onto the field to warm up and the stadium would be shaking and those are feelings that are worth more than any trophies.

When people are grieving, it's kind of like a storm, and you need something to grab onto, but often you have to brave it on your own.

Mark Horowitz and I built it onto an optical bench in the lab. We spent and eight-hour span putting this optical light path together.

If someone attacks me, and they want to punch or kick me, I can just run away. They're not holding onto me. I can get away from them.

I would say that my parents were intermittently proud of me. They couldn't hang onto it, you know? It would come and go, like the flu.

Normally, learning lines is fairly easy for me, but when you add an accent onto that, it adds a complexity that I had not anticipated.

Hip-hop certainly is in sync with the youth, and every day that passes, I grow less youthful, as much as I have tried to hold onto it.

I think that there was a lot of fantasy projected onto me, and that resulted in a reappropriation and re-characterization of who I am.

My grandparents - my mom's parents - they're Jewish. But nobody ever pushed religion onto us. It wasn't something I ever grew up with.

Human beings have to create hope. They have to. You have to have something you hold onto as being a possibility. Otherwise, why go on?

I think of myself as a catalyst of action and a messenger of hope, turning people onto themselves and turning people onto their dreams.

I think there are times when you walk onto a set you can potentially be either intimidated or distracted by what's going on around you.

I didn't go onto 'The Voice' thinking I was going to go country. I went into it with an open mind and thought whatever happens, happens.

It's an awesome thing to be flung out onto the stage twice a weekend in front of 250 people, and you have to make it up as you go along.

In many situations today, you can make far more than the spread by holding onto the acquirer's stock after the transaction is completed.

I am in that position where I finish something, it goes out, and I'm onto the next thing. I finish it, it goes out, onto the next thing.

If you are inflexible in the body, look at what you are holding onto unnecessarily in your life. Release tension, and life will open up.

When you bring a winner onto your team, he knows how to win, he's going to help your team win, and that's the goal at the end of the day.

When the Internet came along, the first thing I did was look up Wu-Tang so I could print out their symbol and glue it onto my skateboard.

What do you do when your world is falling apart? How do you hold onto the real and the rational? I think that's very relatable for people.

After a long shoot day, I'm usually wiped. I'll come home and take a hot shower and get off the makeup that had caked itself onto my face.

Players like Ronaldinho and Neymar started in futsal schools. Denilson loved playing too, looking for things to take onto the soccer pitch.

When you walk onto any set, it's usually primarily men. Which can be weird, especially when you're doing something emotionally challenging.

I don't even like to go out onto the streets sometimes because I can't get anything done. People want pictures and autographs all the time.

The thing about HD-DVD that is attractive to Microsoft is that it's very pro-consumer in letting you copy all movies up onto the hard disk.

I tend to project my father figure onto any director that I'm working with, or mother, if I'm working with a female, or it can be confused.

As a student in Beijing in 1996, I sometimes marveled at the sheer obscurity of the movies that somehow made it onto pirated discs in China.

As an actor, our very palette is one of imagination. So it is a walk onto an empty space and then imagine the world beyond it is what we do.

My brother Van got the computer first and showed me what it was like to edit video. I definitely credit Van with turning me onto filmmaking.

It's very tricky to throw a morally flexible character onto the screen and have an audience empathize. It's always an exercise in restraint.

I was born in Coney Island. I like to think I fell out of the womb onto the fun park's giant Parachute Jump while eating a Nathan's hot dog.

It's funny, there are so many women who are former executives and have taken all that stress and anxiety and transferred it onto their kids.

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