These days... it's all vanilla sex for me.

I believe that I have such a vanilla life.

I never put out a vanilla edition of a DVD.

I like sweet scents like coconut and vanilla.

Most actors don't grow up with sweet, vanilla parents.

Vanilla is anti-inflammatory and reduces free radicals.

I don't mind being described as vanilla in certain ways.

We're just very much a plain-vanilla, long-only investment fund.

I'm so spoiled - I must have a Starbucks vanilla latte every day.

I'm not one of those pop guys. That's for wimps like Vanilla Ice.

I don't ever want to be considered some vanilla sherbet kinda guy.

Love ice cream. I let myself have that about once a week. Vanilla.

My two great treats in life are baked beans and vanilla ice-cream.

I got all my boyhood in vanilla winter waves around the kitchen stove.

Your half-caff double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis.

In New York, Kid Carter was pure vanilla for a city with stronger tastes.

The movies I do have to be different in some way. Nothing vanilla will do.

When I write legally, I try to write very plain, very vanilla, very clear.

I liked rap from a young age, from listening to MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice.

On film Vanilla Sky: You're going to get the full experience of what love is.

Well, it's great that critics are comparing me to Eminem, and not Vanilla Ice.

I was excited about opening for Vanilla Fudge because I was a big fan of theirs.

Instead of past, present and future, I'd prefer chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

TV has made everyone so vanilla it's nearly impossible to tell one anchor apart from another.

I love the smell of vanilla, but I didn't have perfumes growing up, so I wore vanilla extract.

No way! Let me tell you, I'm no Elvis. Elvis had his time. I'm Vanilla Ice, and it's my turn now.

Vanilla Ice sold ten million records. For him to be on MTV, it made me feel like it could be done.

I had no interest in being your basic vanilla girl. I've been lucky enough that I haven't had to play that.

When I lose touch with the audience and the reality of what life really is, I'll be Vanilla Ice or something.

I guess if I'm a product, either you're chocolate, you're vanilla or you're butterscotch. You can't be all three.

I have a vanilla chai latte every morning, which I usually follow with an oatmeal raisin cookie and eggs for breakfast.

I don't often wear perfume, because I am sensitive to smells, but vanilla has a warmth to it, and it's inviting and soft.

I don't have anything to fix! I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't eat carbs. My life is just great now. Normal. Vanilla.

North America was ready for something other than a vanilla cooking show and we were providing the double dark chocolate fudge.

I believe that I have such a vanilla life. But maybe I come with a different perspective. I'm always trying to improve myself.

If Mitt Romney is vanilla, Chris Christie is three hefty scoops of Rocky Road topped with whipped cream, Red Bull, and gravel.

My first gig was a Corn Pops commercial. I did the first Vanilla Coke campaign. A Juicy Fruit commercial paid my bills for years.

The down-side of these huge-budget movies is that so many people have a hand in them, sometimes they come out a little more vanilla.

We've had a steady diet of that PG-13 entertainment. It's the best vanilla you can buy. It's delicious, but it's getting kind of samey.

I use Stevia instead of sweetener. I add it to coffee or tea instead of sugar - you can even cook with it. The vanilla flavor is to die for!

I love chocolates. It could be something as simple as a chocolate cake with vanilla ice-cream, or it could be macarons filled with chocolate.

People don't want just vanilla. They want 31 flavors. I couldn't do what Rihanna does. I couldn't do what Gaga does. They can't do what I do.

I'm more of a tough girl, and I'm attracted to things that reflect that in my perfumes. That means sandalwood, musk, amber, and vanilla notes.

When I'm on a strict eating regimen, at some point I have to have French fries, a cheeseburger and some pizza. And Oreos and vanilla ice cream!

Chocolate is maybe my only vice. In particular, Godiva's champagne truffles. Or Dean & Deluca vanilla cupcakes. Just thinking about them - oh my gosh!

If you like vanilla, you're not going to like 'Breaking Bad' - you need to like a specific flavor that is unusual, that is different, that takes risks.

I've worked on really big budget movies as a designer - 'Vanilla Sky,' 'Three Kings;' I've been in that world, and you can just see people get nervous.

I think of Superman as the ultimate vanilla hero. He's this perfect refugee, this perfect immigrant from another planet who embodies the American dream.

I'm a fan of polarization. If you make something that is palatable to everybody, it's like making vanilla ice cream, and I think we have enough of that.

I love to bake, so I made vanilla bean and blueberry muffins for sick hospital children. Just kidding! All of that is true except the sick children part.

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