I've always tried to figure out what people think of themselves and what they think they're projecting.

If you start trying to figure out yourself from the image everyone has of you, you run into a dead end.

I think we are all trying to figure out what it means to be the Church as opposed to just doing church.

I figure lots of predictions is best. People will forget the ones I get wrong and marvel over the rest.

Once you figure out who you are and what you love about yourself, I think it all kinda falls into place.

By definition a sequel can't be original. So you've got to figure out what worked the first time around.

Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together.

Every project is an opportunity to learn, to figure out problems and challenges, to invent and reinvent.

I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to be who I really am. I'm going to figure out what that is.

Once you figure out what respect tastes like, it tastes better than attention. But you have to get there.

Getting chronic Lyme disease is probably the fastest way to figure out what and who is real in your life.

I never struggled with trying to figure out what it was I wanted to do or what made the sparks go for me.

The first time you make something, follow the recipe, then figure out how to tailor it to your own tastes.

There was something missing. But in my world, there is never time to figure out what is, in fact, missing.

There are only two rules for being successful: one, figure out exactly what you want to do, and two, do it.

It's more interesting for me to figure out how to be superior in areas where I'm naive, where I'm a novice.

You have to learn to stand on your own two feet without a father figure around. You have to set an example.

I lose sleep at night wondering whether we are intelligent enough to figure out the universe. I don't know.

The man who has allowed his body to deteriorate cuts a pitiful figure - chest collapsed, stomach protruding.

I felt like high school for me was like a big whirlpool of me trying to figure out what was OK for me to do.

What I try to do is never to hurt anybody else and figure if I don't, then I'm not likely to get hurt myself.

Sergio Mora is a Rubik's Cube. You have to figure him out. He's crafty and I have the utmost respect for him.

Personally, I don't like a girlfriend to have a husband. If she'll fool her husband, I figure she'll fool me.

You need to have a very strong relationship with your coaches. For me, Freddie Roach is like a father figure.

Every situation I've been in in my career, you just sort of adapt, and figure out where you can be effective.

Skating is big in Chicago. There's a lot of hockey; a lot of the boys play hockey. And figure skating is big.

A man does not automatically become a public figure because he happens to build an empire out of chicken fat.

I was told having a website would help me. I have yet to figure out why my life story needs to be on the web.

There are two kinds of people: the ones who need to be told, and the ones who figure it out all by themselves.

Lyft came out of a hackathon project where we were trying to figure out what does Zimride look like on mobile.

We can't win at home. We can't win on the road. As general manager, I just can't figure out where else to play.

There are very few young goalkeepers who play at the top level. Most goalkeepers figure it out as time goes on.

Chemistry is a class you take in high school or college, where you figure out two plus two is 10, or something.

I will stay faithful to what God has called me to do all the days of my life, and I don't try to figure it out.

If I have cash and I can't figure a way to put it into real estate or my business, I hold it in gold and silver.

It's hard when you're doing a film based on a true story to really figure out what all those relationships were.

Men are liars. We'll lie about lying if we have to. I'm an algebra liar. I figure two good lies make a positive.

Love is a mess, at best, and I figure it can be very real in spite of all the things people try to attach to it.

It was always so nice to step away from figure skating and school with hockey. To this day I'm still a huge fan.

I want to establish myself as someone who can act and doesn't have to rely on my figure or modelling background.

I'm a woman who has gone through many heartaches, enough to dedicate my whole life to trying to figure them out.

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair.

As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree,' probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on.

Look at what is broken in society, figure out how to make it better, and then, around that, formulate a business.

If you can last until you're 40 years old, hopefully you'll be mature enough to figure out the rest of the years.

I've been in the room or watched artists walk in who don't write, and you can't figure out what they really want.

My job is to be some sort of music/lyric psychic, to figure out that that's the right song to not fight the lyric.

Rumors will always be there. So, good or bad you have to take them in your stride because you are a public figure.

Every show finds its groove, I would say. The first season is the season to figure out the dynamics, the workflow.

The world can't tell you who you are. You've just got to figure out who you are and be there, for better or worse.

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