Ports are the gaping hole in America's homeland security.

I feel gigantic affection for all of Homeland Security at airports.

Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?

We signed up for Showtime, which I think put us on a Homeland Security list somewhere.

We have to face the fact that meaningful gun control has to be a part of homeland security.

Virginia is the absolute leader in homeland security and defense and information technology.

How can we protect homeland security unless the government stops the invasion of illegal aliens?

And how the government communicates about homeland security is central to how the public responds.

I took an oath when I became secretary of homeland security to defend and support the Constitution.

We all must recognize that homeland security funds should be allocated by threat and no other reason.

There are over 100 entities in the federal government that have something to do with homeland security.

An overstretched military undermines homeland security and our ability to meet threats around the world.

America's entire homeland security enterprise positively invites questions even as it strives to reassure.

Working very closely with the Department of Homeland Security to match up what is available with what is needed.

Rhetoric that vilifies American Muslims is counter to our efforts. It's a setback to our Homeland Security efforts.

The federal government can't remodel every firehouse and buy every new policeradio in the name of Homeland Security.

From my standpoint, I want to work with homeland security, justice to make sure that U.S. citizens' vote is not diluted.

Social media campaigns and the savviness of ISIS and propaganda is what greatly concerns us Homeland Security officials.

The last thing the Department of Homeland Security is about is infringing on anybody's constitutionally protected rights.

The Department of Defense is a longtime partner of the Department of Homeland Security, and I thank them for their support.

Whenever you went into any place where there was Michael Jackson footage at Sony, it was like going through Homeland Security.

This is a wonderful way to celebrate an 80th birthday... I wanted to be 65 again, but they wouldn't let me - Homeland Security.

Michael Chertoff and the Department of Homeland Security, they have the primary responsibility of ensuring that our ports are secure.

In fact, allowing immigrants to have licenses actually improves homeland security by allowing our government to track who is in our borders.

I am honored to be nominated by President Trump to lead the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security in safeguarding the American people.

We need to fund our troops. We need to protect them. We need to increase homeland security. These are vital national security interest we need to fund.

Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to the 9/11 Commission members for their valuable service and important recommendations to improve homeland security.

If the Pentagon truly confined itself to providing defense, then presumably we wouldn't need a whole separate government agency to provide 'Homeland Security.'

Going forward, as we work to strengthen our border in the interests of homeland security, we must also recognize the economic importance of immigration reform.

I am continuously amazed by innovations in security and surveillance technology as a member of the House committees on both Homeland Security and Intelligence.

Our volunteer fire departments know their needs better than Washington, D.C. They need more flexibility on spending grant money from FEMA and Homeland Security.

I've been involved with law enforcement for some time. My father was in law enforcement. I went through the training for Homeland Security. I enjoy it very much.

Well, it's taken a long time to get the Department of Homeland Security established. It's taken a long time for the Congress to decide how much it wanted to fund.

The Department of Homeland Security is a strategic feel good measure. It's going to be the Department of Agriculture for the 21st century. TSA - thousands standing around.

Last week in the Homeland Security Committee, Republicans were against port security; and today, one week after Democrats unveiled our Real Security Agenda, they're for it.

The Homeland Security department doesn't have tasking authority in the intelligence community. They can ask for stuff, but they can't direct anything except inside their bureau.

There is nothing more important to our Nation's future, to our homeland security, and to our economy than ensuring we have a top-notch educational system that is the envy of the world.

After learning of a failed attempt to hack the state's online voter registration and My Voter Page, my office contacted the Department of Homeland Security and opened an investigation.

I never know what I'm going to do for the Post next. Two weeks ago I had a piece on Homeland Security. This is one of my pig ongoing projects. How unprepared we are for a terrorist attack.

It would be unwise to say the least, irresponsible of us at the TSA, at the Homeland Security Department not to evolve our technology to match the changing threat environment that we inhabit.

We need to keep investing in economic and homeland security. We need to bank on the right kind of economic development. We need to embrace opportunities, but with the right kind of safeguards.

Since September 11th Congress has created the Department of Homeland Security, more than doubled the homeland security budget and implemented a bipartisan overhaul of our intelligence systems.

While our nation faces many challenges that must be met regarding homeland security and our military readiness, it is imperative that we live within our means and wisely spend taxpayer dollars.

You know, one of the perceptions, again, about FEMA is that there's been a demise in the organization since it became the - under - it started to become part of the Department of Homeland Security.

I'm very confident that the solutions that we are developing are going to be effective not only in application in Iraq, but also will be very helpful for potential homeland security situations as well.

To my knowledge, the Department of Homeland Security has focused on detection devices that are large, expensive, use a large amount of energy, and cannot easily be placed in or on a shipping container.

I worked at the crossroads of policy and operations. I kind of bring all that experience together because homeland security is a team sport, and I've played almost every role, every player, every team.

The only agency of the federal government with a more demoralized workforce than Homeland Security is the Small Business Administration, a notorious turkey farm that should have been abolished years ago.

'Know your enemy, name your enemy' is a 9/11 message that has gone unheeded. Our immigration and homeland security policies refuse to profile jihadi adherents at foreign consular offices and at our borders.

From the Medicare prescription drug plan to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and the passage of No Child Left Behind, President Bush presided over a major expansion of the reach of government.

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