When I was young, I liked to spend hours and hours on the practice court.

You fly for hours and hours and hours over Africa to go from one place to another.

I take all my grandchildren down to the garden and they spend hours and hours eating peas.

I can spend hours and hours and days and days in the studio changing the music, because I love that.

Magic's quite a solitary pursuit - a thing you can do for hours and hours, getting better and better.

He spent hours and hours and hours practising these conjuring tricks. It's just such a curious thing.

Some photographers work on the same image for hours and hours and then use the first picture that they took.

Courtship is like simmering mutton. You cook for hours and hours to taste the soft meat. It doesn't happen in two seconds!

Whenever I am abroad, I spend hours and hours at video stores. I look for classics from filmmakers from all over the world.

I play a lot of instruments. I write all my own music. I spend hours and hours a day in the studio. I'm a producer. I'm a writer.

To be the best, you need to spend hours and hours and hours running, hitting the speed bag, lifting weights and focusing on training.

To be the best, you need to spend hours and hours and hours running, hitting the speed bag, lifting weights and just focusing on training.

I would still like to have that luxury, to be able to just sit and draw for hours and hours and hours. In a way, that's what I do as a writer.

I think my best songs come from me sitting at a piano, bashing my head against a brick wall for hours and hours on end to get one good melody.

I'm not a natural. I had to teach myself - or be taught - everything I do. I just spent hours and hours in the mirror mimicking Michael Jackson.

I was always the 'boring' type. I was into the stats and spending hours and hours and hours studying them. I was always more a manager than a player.

Guys, particularly in the West, go to the gym and train for hours and hours to pick up something that is heavier than them. Why would you want to do that?

I've worked with some people that just spent hours and hours and hours in the mirror, and just so much importance is based on that. And I do find that sad.

I don't even realize sometimes I am spending hours and hours on the field, because it is something I decide to do, not something someone else demands of me.

For me, rehearsal is very important, and I spend a lot of time doing it. Also, I work with my acting teacher for hours and hours before walking onto any set.

I'm a method writer. In order to write about the emotion, I have to experience it. I get physically tired and exhausted, devoting hours and hours and hours to it.

I acted in theater and I took film classes when I was 12 and just obsessed over it. I loved it and spent hours and hours in the film studio learning and watching.

I got the first Nintendo system, and me and my mother would stay up and play it together for hours and hours and hours - mainly Super Mario Brothers and Mario Kart!

I worked with my acting coach one-on-one for hours and hours, every single day for two months, before even setting foot on set or putting on Jessica Jones's clothes.

You can get reps up in the gym as much as you want, hours and hours, but when it comes to a game, there's so many different aspects going on, so many different things.

One of my sisters is physically and mentally handicapped. She took a lot of my parents' attention, so I grew up in my own world, playing in my room for hours and hours.

I'm a stubborn guy that loses his temper, sometimes driving the station wagon in the wrong direction for hours and hours and never admitting that he's gone the wrong way.

If you have an open shot, and you're a shooter, and you've put hours and hours on the practice court shooting the ball, you shoot the ball in the game. It's just that simple.

There are a lot of critics out there, a lot of people that you want to prove wrong. But that's what your hard work is for in the offseason, spending hours and hours in the gym.

I've spent hours and hours doing research into Appalachian folk music. My grandfather was a fiddler. There is something very immediate, very simple and emotional, about that music.

I watched a ton of TV because I was raised by a single mom and spent a lot of time with my grandmother. Like most grandparents do, she would spend hours and hours in front of the TV box.

In 'A Chosen Few,' I spent hours and hours listening to the pain of people of who had survived wondering why they survived and what their life means and what right do they have to survive.

I bought one of the first Nintendo systems and brought that home, and we were playing 'Legend of Zelda' at the time, and it was addicting, and I was playing it for hours and hours and hours.

When I was at the Cordon Bleu things took hours and hours and hours to make. And they were beautiful dishes - and I know how to cook that way - but I was like, 'no one is cooking like this.'

I look for material that both interest me and challenges me. If I am drawn to the material and I have to work hard at it, the characters and the plots reflect the hours and hours of research.

It can be very thrilling being able to witness Viola Davis do her thing for hours and hours, but there are also no windows, and you're just in a room for fourteen hours trying to keep it together.

I do creative visualisation techniques in the morning. It's only 15 minutes. I used to do hours and hours of it, but I found that 15 minutes has really helped me, and it's not time-consuming at all.

There's people who can, like, dive into material for hours and hours and hours and work on one tiny little specific thing without getting bored of it. Learning how to do that was, like, very useful.

All the stories in 'The UnAmericans' required interviews, travel, hours and hours in the archives. All of that stuff is so important in the beginning, but I reach a point where I have to shuck it away.

Because I was so quiet, my father let me spend hours and hours next to him while he would sketch. Everyone else was always asking things from him. I wasn't asking anything. I was just happy to be there.

You know, when I was a young boy I used to play baseball in my back yard or in the street with my brothers or the neighborhood kids. We used broken bats and plastic golf balls and played for hours and hours.

In the university library my father helped lead, as the Associate Director of Libraries from '60 to '82, I spent hours and hours as a kid devouring piles of books so I could follow the latest advances in science.

The world of cheerleading is incredibly demanding, incredibly physical, and it has a lot of risk. The way people fly through the air is so thrilling to watch, but it takes hours and hours of practice and training.

Well, to be honest I think I'm a better short story writer than a novelist. Novels I find very hard, hours and hours, weeks and weeks, of conscious thought - whereas short stories slip out painlessly in a few days.

In the beginning, if you look at those early label albums of the Chicks, we didn't write all that much. We had an A&R person and they were getting songs from publishers, listening to hours and hours of cassette tapes.

There are all these great TV series; you can watch all these hours and hours of shows and ideas, but there's still something great about a movie that unfolds in a couple of hours, and you have the complete experience.

For an impression, I just find that I can do a lot of the people I love without much research, because I've already watched hours and hours of them on video and it seeped into my brain while I wasn't thinking about it.

I sat in the barber's chair in David Miller's makeup shop, hours and hours of trial and error. While David poked at me with his crusty brushes, I grew more and more profane. That's how I started to find the voice of Freddy.

Housewives' is real, yes. We say what we're thinking at the time. But filming our real lives is a huge production that takes a long time. Sometimes you have to sit there for hours and hours while the show is being produced.

At the time of Apollo 11, I was a grade-schooler, and I remember every time an Apollo mission would take place that, like a lot of little boys, I'd gather in front of the TV for hours and hours and hours with my little brother.

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