A lot of British people of my age would not have know of the terrible treatment of Nelson Mandela if not for Jerry Dammers and The Specials.

Obamacare is going to destroy the elderly by denying care, by even perhaps denying treatment to people who are in catastrophic circumstances.

Animals are the main victims of history, and the treatment of domesticated animals in industrial farms is perhaps the worst crime in history.

Equity feminism is a moral doctrine about equal treatment that makes no commitments regarding open empirical issues in psychology or biology.

With President Obama restoring diplomatic relations with Cuba, the immigration preferential treatment given to Cubans... no longer makes sense.

I simply cannot see how denying chemotherapy treatment for Palestinian children increases Israel's security or advances U.S. national interests.

I do not expect that homeopathy will ever be established as a legitimate form of treatment, but I do expect that it will continue to be popular.

What we need is a program in South Jersey that allows local veterans to go to doctor's offices and hospitals here in our region to get treatment.

All the human beings I met were either sure that there would be no afterlife or else that they would get preferential treatment in the hereafter.

Concerning the harsh treatment of the body for our Lord's sake, I would say, avoid anything that would cause the shedding even of a drop of blood.

I feel like every woman is a queen, and we should be treated as such, and we should, you know, sort of request that sort of treatment from others.

Torture and other forms of cruel or humiliating treatment are an affront to humanity, and the physical and psychological scars can last a lifetime.

As a judge, when I saw veterans in legal trouble, I created the state's first veterans court to help them get treatment and get back on their feet.

By making more people aware of lymphoma, Worldwide Lymphoma Awareness Day hopes to save lives by increasing early diagnosis and suitable treatment.

The problem with experiments has always been that human beings make the decisions on whether or not the animals have benefitted from the treatment.

I think I've definitely had my rock bottom and I think that was probably right before I went into treatment where I said, 'I definitely need help.'

The stream of empty platitudes ordering troop worship is especially ironic considering the abysmal treatment veterans receive once they return home.

I wouldn't be here today if it were not for the NHS. I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived.

The fact that people are regarding me as the team leader doesn't change much. At the Sauber F1 team both drivers get the same equipment and treatment.

I just want to be myself. I want to act in films and not expect any special treatment. I carry my own bags on sets, I don't have assistants around me.

One thing that people don't really understand is that as celebrity you rarely get fair treatment. You either get love or hate. It's never really fair.

It was then, I think, that I discovered that the best way of bringing a medieval subject home to my generation was not to be medieval in its treatment.

While love stories at the end of the day, honestly speaking, do not vary a lot in their plots, it is their treatment that separates one from the other.

But, unfortunately, sometimes that affirmation creates a sense that you deserve special treatment and recognition in areas where you're not so talented.

I would never call myself an expert on geopolitics. I'm not studied in it. But what I do know is what's right and wrong in terms of treatment of people.

If I were dead, then nobody in England would have to fuss about the cost of my security and whether or not I merited such special treatment for so long.

The U.S. immigration laws are bad - really, really bad. I'd say treatment of immigrants is one of the greatest injustices done in our government's name.

Thus was the King and the Lord of glory judged by man's judgment, when manifest in flesh: far be it from any of his ministers to expect better treatment.

Black lives matter' doesn't mean that all lives do not matter, rather it is a cry for equal treatment in the greater circle of justice for all Americans.

In terms of 'Saving Face,' I was inspired by the stories of survivors who didn't let their attacks stop them from pursuing justice and seeking treatment.

In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.

Israel deserves special treatment from the United States, both for historical reasons and because there can be no regional peace without a secure Israel.

The thought of a spa treatment is lovely, but I'd be lying there having a massage and worrying about how much I had to do. I'm not very good at relaxing!

My mother, at least twice, cancelled our family's subscription to the newspaper I was working on, because she was so mad about its treatment of my father.

We believe that more than 4 percent of the children in this country suffer ADHD... We want to know how to better identify and refer children for treatment.

Regulation is necessary to protect our natural environment, keep our food and medicine safe, and ensure fair competition and fair treatment of our workers.

Medical science has proven time and again that when the resources are provided, great progress in the treatment, cure, and prevention of disease can occur.

There has been treatment for hepatitis C, but the treatment has not been overwhelmingly effective, number 1. And number 2, it has had considerable toxicity.

I have no qualms about saying I am more confident in the medical treatment in America. The breast cancer survival rate is 20 per cent higher than in the UK.

The most important issue is clearly not the quality of treatment and care of these prisoners; rather it is the perplexing issue of what we now do with them.

The thing about tennis life is that it's the same thing every day. You train. You come back to the hotel. You get treatment. You eat. You sleep. You get up.

No, I can't write treatments, I think there's a danger with treatments. That you... you write out your first excitement and enthusiasm in a prose treatment.

While being the husband of uberstylist Rachel Zoe lets me waltz confidently into fashion shows with Rachel by my side, the VIP treatment usually stops there.

Diabetes mellitus is due to a deficiency of the internal secretion of the pancreas. The main principle of treatment is, therefore, to correct this deficiency.

The main reason I started The Katie Piper Foundation was because I had treatment abroad that I wanted other burns survivors in this country to have access to.

Cord blood stem cell units have been shown to be a suitable alternative to adult bone marrow for the treatment of many diseases, including sickle cell anemia.

Have a hand in your own treatment. I have nothing but praise for our doctors, but I think they could help us better, and we can help them if we work together.

I would definitely say I'm a feminist. To me, it just means being attentive and mindful. It's about equality and equal treatment. It feels like a gut instinct.

Before you approach a production entity or even a potential producer, you should write up a treatment and register your show with the Writers Guild of America.

Breast cancer isn't one disease - it's probably four or five different types, and without knowing what type a person has, you can't optimize treatment for them.

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