The one thing that advances a society is not technology or so-called development; it's love - that one principle.

Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them.

Advances in the technology of telecommunications have proved an unambiguous threat to totalitarian regimes everywhere.

To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or distinction than that connected with advances in science.

I know some authors who have gotten $25,000 advances and put it all into marketing, others who allocate $5,000 or $1,000.

There were certain questions about the foundations of morals that advances in science all threaten to make more complicated.

Sooner or later, the U.S. will face mounting job losses due to advances in automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics.

Taken as a whole, consumer technologies have made startling advances, but they still are not as easy to use as they should be.

Non-consensual, sexual advances are not the same as flirtatious comments from a creepy dude. The degree of harassment matters.

The world changes materially. Science makes advances in technology and understanding. But the world of humanity doesn't change.

I have felt great advances in my poetry, the main one being a growing victory over word nuances and a superfluity of adjectives.

Liberty University will not lend its name or financial support to any student group that advances causes contrary to its mission.

Once you have power, you are inevitably surrounded by people who have their own agendas and will tell you whatever advances them.

The fact that healthier lifestyles and advances in medicine mean that we are living longer is actually something to be celebrated.

Some of the most important discoveries, innovations, and advances in our history have come from those seeking a new life in America.

Too often, advances in civil rights or women's rights are undermined by wrong-headed legislation or weak-kneed political leadership.

Men want children later, but women can't rely on being able to. So I'm all for scientific advances and the help they can give people.

We know that defence work results in more than great defence hardware - it can drive innovation and advances in all areas of our life.

Remarkable technological and medical advances allowed me to be a mom. But it is expensive and not always a viable or effective option.

Shinya Yamanaka's work has involved mice and human cells, and advances the prospect of providing new cells or body parts for patients.

There's a lot more to see when you're playing and because of the advances in technology it makes room for all kinds of new characters.

Everyone puts all of the advances that we've made on Dr. King, but there's a lot of people who were part of the civil rights movement.

There's a connection between the advances that are made in technology and the sense of primitive fear people develop in response to it.

The agreement to acquire Volcano significantly advances our strategy to become the leading systems integrator in image-guided therapies.

The future of food security will depend on a combination of the ecological prudence of the past and the technological advances of today.

No matter how counter-intuitive it may seem, basic research has proven over and over to be the lifeline of practical advances in medicine.

Leisure and curiosity might soon make great advances in useful knowledge, were they not diverted by minute emulation and laborious trifles.

A surprising number of scientific advances have been made and masterpieces of art created by individuals just on the threshold of adulthood.

Rarely do you walk down the street doing anything that my grandparent's generation did. And half of that comes with the technology advances.

Advances in automation, artificial intelligence and robotics, while increasing productivity, will also cause major upheavals to the workforce.

Real progress in understanding nature is rarely incremental. All important advances are sudden intuitions, new principles, new ways of seeing.

In fact what I would like to see is thousands of computer scientists let loose to do whatever they want. That's what really advances the field.

I simply cannot see how denying chemotherapy treatment for Palestinian children increases Israel's security or advances U.S. national interests.

Government has a habit of blaming the private sector for its own failings while taking credit for advances we in fact owe to the private sector.

Other than advances in technology and equipment, making a movie is the same as it was when I started, at least. I don't go back to the silent era.

For all the advances in tech that let us try on various guises to play around with who we are, it seems that we just want new ways to be ourselves.

Some of the greatest, most revolutionary advances in science have been given their initial expression in attractively modest terms, with no fanfare.

Advances in science and medical research and public health policies have meant that life expectancy for Australians is one of the highest in the world.

The key to a resilient global recovery, where growth in each country advances growth in every country, is action directed at supporting demand at home.

Technology advances at exponential rates, and human institutions and societies do not. They adapt at much slower rates. Those gaps get wider and wider.

What brought mass innovation to a nation was not scientific advances - its own or others' - but 'economic dynamism': the desire and the space to innovate.

If you're living off credit-card advances and ramen noodles, a buyout offer might be too hard to resist. And you'll be even smarter the second time around.

I think fiction writers should work. If you have a job and are not living off advances or grants, you never have to make concessions in your writing, ever.

Modern medical advances have helped millions of people live longer, healthier lives. We owe these improvements to decades of investment in medical research.

Greenhouse gas production, water usage and environmental issues more broadly are being mitigated by Canadian technological advances more and more each year.

As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age of automation is going to be the age of 'do it yourself.'

As the Internet of things advances, the very notion of a clear dividing line between reality and virtual reality becomes blurred, sometimes in creative ways.

'Frankenstein' is a timeless classic. As science advances, it becomes more relevant, not less. Its fantasy moves closer to fact, its horrors closer to reality.

I'm thankful for the incredible advances in medicine that have taken place during my lifetime. I almost certainly wouldn't still be here if it weren't for them.

It's true that humanity has seen a succession of crises, wars and atrocities, but this negative side is offset by advances in technology and cultural exchanges.

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