I loved dressing Elizabeth Hurley. I thought that was wonderful. She was one of those women who is so aware of how she looks in everything.

I'd love to give my music to someone who really likes to wow the crowd. I feel like half the time I just want to hide in the dressing room!

When it comes to dressing up, I am more like my character Meera from 'Girl In The City,' I like to experiment with my looks once in a while.

Going from Miami to L.A., it's such a different scene. In L.A., it's always dressing to impress. Miami is not, unless you go to South Beach.

I watched the classics as a kid, and I could tell that Bugs Bunny in drag was a cartoon and a joke. It didn't make me start dressing in drag.

Far from being a showbiz gimmick, for me dressing as I please has signalled the end of a lifelong performance of straightforward masculinity.

The day I came in and found another actor's name on my dressing room door, and my stuff out in the hall, that was the day I learned my lesson.

I am not someone who likes to be in the dressing room and waste time; I like to be on the field all the time and be counted. That is how I am.

I like to personalise my dressing room, have a cover for the bed and, if it is a long run, a few cushions and a teapot - a little pot for one.

I was quite bright, but I didn't do much with it, and I thought acting was dressing up and shouting for a living - which, of course, it isn't.

In the early '90s, all the girl groups were dressing super feminine. And then we came on the scene wearing Cross Colours, Girbaud, and Nautica.

Obviously, when you win and keep winning, it's easier to maintain this atmosphere, but the atmosphere in the Man City dressing room is amazing.

As a dancer, I am either in something glamorous or I am rocking up to work in a leotard and my pyjamas. Dressing in between is quite difficult.

There were players I shared a dressing room with who didn't like each other. You don't have to talk to each other. You just need to win matches.

When dressing a table take out your old pieces of silver, hand-me-down linens and old candelabras, it will make your meal that much more special.

I'm not some sort of tormented soul looking for an identity in the roles I take. I became an actress because I just love dressing up and playing.

I love dressing up and doing the red carpet every once in a while, but I am very much a jeans kinda girl, so it's all a little embarrassing for me.

I used to be obsessed about how I presented myself. I didn't want other people dressing me because I didn't want to be treated like a clothes horse.

Dressing up is a bore. At a certain age, you decorate yourself to attract the opposite sex, and at a certain age, I did that. But I'm past that age.

I like more the fact that I like to think out of the box. Thinking out of the box goes along with dressing out of the box and living out of the box.

I wouldn't apply myself at school. I was quite bright, but I didn't do much with it, and I thought acting was dressing up and shouting for a living.

I was raised in a very Middle Eastern household, and modesty was very important, and dressing to not be desirable or provocative was very important.

As a person, I love dressing up. I wear make-up when I am meeting a friend or going for a meeting or even when I am out for a coffee for that matter.

There were times we were kept in our dressing room until late at night because it wasn't safe to go home. Our bus would get attacked, the tires slit.

I fall to pieces when I am hurt, but when it comes to my children, I am a pillar of strength, applying balm and bandages and dressing up their wounds.

I try to be extra creative with the colors and textures I wear during fashion week. It's not for street style, though; I just like dressing sometimes.

I think every young girl at some point in her early life wonders what it's like to be a princess. They like the idea of dressing up and the fun of it.

I enjoyed dressing in Indian clothes. I loved those long, single-piece garments that come down to the knees and the white pyjamas you wear underneath.

I love dressing up. As kids, my friends and I would dress up as the Spice Girls - Posh Spice was my favourite because I had short brown hair like her.

When I was 13 years old, I was dressing in a rap style. And then I changed schools, and the rap style became old-fashioned, so I changed it completely.

I'll do very light, very easy yoga in my dressing room. I like to just lay down on the floor and put my legs on the wall and stretch and just be still.

It is joyous for any actor to enter other grounds of consciousness and thought. At the end of the day, we just all like dressing up and playing around.

I always told my representatives, 'Look, I come from the 'School of Janet' - that's my mom - she raised me to know that I'm more than just set dressing.

I have had the same shinpads since I was eight or nine years old. Everyone laughs in the dressing room because of them but I am superstitious with that.

I don't see my season with Dortmund negatively. There were some real problems there in the dressing room and they were going through a generation change.

I'm either dressing like a rocker chick, or I'm looking like I just stepped out of ancient Greece! It all depends on my mood. I love bohemian vibes, too.

Spencer Tracy was a man who did very much what I do on a set, and that is, he comes down and he does his job, and then he goes back to his dressing room.

I don't like dressing up, and I don't like putting on make-up or doing the red carpet. The only red carpet events I go to are if I'm supporting a friend.

At the end of the day, I know that I make my living by dressing up, fooling around, playing pranks and giving people a good time. I am enjoying the ride.

I had always enjoyed playing characters and dressing up, but it wasn't until I got to school and I started getting on stage for plays that I got the bug.

Jose Mourinho knows how to control to big players in the dressing room, to control egos. He's done it all his life and knows how to work it into the team.

I hate summer, to be honest. I hate dressing. I hate the heat. I hate sweaty people getting aggressively close to you when you're walking down the street.

I'm a real believer in dressing tone-on-tone. I'm not saying you need to dress black. Dress just one color so the colors are not breaking your silhouette.

You have different characters in the dressing room. If you have a go at someone, someone might answer back, other people will take it and speak afterwards.

I'm quite shy, really. The figure you see on TV, that's just a persona. I like getting home, putting my feet up, getting into my slippers and dressing gown.

On a personal level, I think dressing is such a form of expression, and when you do events, it's important to feel as though you are authentically yourself.

I don't like to dump the dressing on top of the greens. Instead, I pour it against the side of the bowl - using only enough to glaze the leaves - then toss.

You know, I'm Australian, so I'm not too flashy or glitzy... I've stopped dressing for other people. If I think I look good, that's the most important thing.

In the past, goalies weren't even part of the team. They had their own dressing room. They didn't speak with the other team members. They were lone warriors.

I met Elvis first in Las Vegas. I think I was appearing with Tom Jones and he came backstage to say hello to Tom or we went to his dressing room to say hello.

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