It's hard to stop loving someone on cue, especially when he's still so kind and loving toward you.

Science exists, moreover, only as a journey toward troth. Stifle dissent and you end that journey.

Usually, there's nothing being thrown toward the stage or at me. Then I feel pretty good about it.

The role of the federal government should be neutral toward culture just as it is toward religion.

A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmental damaging consumption patterns.

Basic research is very useful, but it should be more geared toward application than it was before.

I come armed with a really good ignorance. I don't strive toward ignorance. I come by it naturally.

I love exploring the more complicated side of love. I feel like I've always gravitated toward that.

I do not usually revise much, though I often cut, particularly the end or toward the end of a poem.

I got a cold feeling toward religion in general. I don't think God would want to separate families.

I don't think things are moving toward an omega point; I think they're moving toward more diversity.

I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change.

I have many queer friends who I consider to be heroes of mine, and they feel the same way toward me.

After centuries of dormancy, young women... can now look toward a future moulded by their own hands.

I really pay attention to the bass in the music I listen to, and that's what I tend to write toward.

That attitude toward women as objects may have worked for the late Sixties, but it doesn't do so now.

Wall Street is always too biased toward short-term profitability and biased against long-term growth.

Let's use the energy of this historic year to propel us toward our shared vision of a greater Boston.

Our policies toward Iraq simply are to protect the region and to protect Iraq's people and neighbors.

I'm always interested in looking forward toward the future. Carving out new ways of looking at things.

And no again: My studio is not a first or any step toward becoming any type of businessman on my part.

'School for Wives' is Moliere's first step toward grand comedy, but he still has one foot in commedia.

I tend to gravitate toward Proenza Schouler and Alexander Wang. Their designs are accessible and easy.

I tend to lean toward strong female stories. I want to make things that don't already exist out there.

Through climbing, I've learned to find goals and work toward them. That's just the way I love to live.

I think that there are always goals for me to try to achieve, and I'm going to work toward those goals.

Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it.

Congress needs to get over their political bias with each other and work toward saving children's lives.

Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.

Toward his critics, the artist harbors a defensive ace: knowledge that the future will erase the present.

Many people flounder about in life because they do not have a purpose, an objective toward which to work.

Being self-made means never making an excuse as to why you can't take steps toward whatever your goal is.

I'm not very interested in people. I recognize it in myself - there is a basic indifference toward people.

Such problems are not solved in one day but there is a great step toward peace and security in the region.

Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.

Toward no crimes have men shown themselves so cold- bloodedly cruel as in punishing differences of belief.

If you're too confident in assuming that America's and God's purposes are one, you tiptoe toward idolatry.

When I write, I aim in my mind not toward New York but toward a vague spot a little to the east of Kansas.

Some habits of ineffectiveness are rooted in our social conditioning toward quick-fix, short-term thinking.

I like the fact that New York looks a bit backwards, toward the Old World, rather than resolutely forwards.

If you're not looking toward the future or trying to improve the current technology, you'll be left behind.

But history is neither watchmaking nor cabinet construction. It is an endeavor toward better understanding.

Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success.

The accounting of the sacrifice is, more than anything else, the attitude toward war memorials in our time.

It's the journey toward doing these harder climbs that really gives value to the whole activity of climbing.

I do feel that the trend is away from ageism and toward a recognition that older people have a unique voice.

Most films made about the future acquiesce toward death, and I don't want to be told how to define my future.

Toward the end of school I started watching movies. Got a job in a movie theater in Brookline, Massachusetts.

I find that when you open the door toward openness and transparency, a lot of people will follow you through.

This program that the Republican majority has taken us toward as a country is leading us to fiscal bankruptcy.

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