A number of women have reportedly been victims of what appear to be discriminatory decisions taken by Sharia councils, and that is a significant concern.

Madam Speaker, before being elected to Congress, I ran a manufacturing business that did a significant percentage of our sales outside the United States.

Online payment will continue to play an ever-growing and significant role in the development of e-commerce as well as the stimulation of consumer demand.

There is no body of theory or significant body of relevant information, beyond the comprehension of the layman, which makes policy immune from criticism.

I got an excellent opportunity to learn and understand democratic values early on. And it shook me. This played a significant role in making me what I am.

The process by which civilization, as an abstract entity distinct from the societies in which it is embodied, dies or is reborn is a very significant one.

I stole a significant amount of money from a family member. I knew I was going to get caught, but I was so desperate I didn't care. It was a cry for help.

Distressed properties are often vacant and in disrepair, and thus sold at significant discounts. As the share of distressed sales grows, home prices fall.

No one gives a damn what Iran thinks on any significant issue. The only reason Iran is at the big boys' table is because of their nuclear weapons program.

Taking a great new idea with an entrepreneurial team that wants to create something significant and trying to build a real company is what is interesting.

We say that a sentence is factually significant to any given person, if, and only if, he knows how to verify the proposition which it purports to express.

Few progressives would take issue with the argument that, significant accomplishments notwithstanding, the Obama presidency has been a big disappointment.

It's taken over 240 years for there to be a Native American woman elected to congress, so it's definitely significant that we were able to accomplish that.

As we have heard, the end of al-Zarqawi is a significant blow to al-Qaida operations in Iraq. It is another clear indication of the progress we are making.

There is certainly a strong game development community in Texas, centered around Austin, with a significant additional contingency coming over from Dallas.

If you already have some amount of significant traction with customers, either in usage or in revenue, you should very quickly try and get that clearly out.

The awakening of the people of China to the possibilities under free government is the most significant, if not the most momentous, event of our generation.

There's a good amount of research out there that shows generous parental leave policies have a significant positive impact on employee retention and morale.

The third-person or 'objective,' static, reductive models used in most science are important and yield significant results, but they have their limitations.

We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history.

Even the most understated ceremony involves a certain respect for ritual and pageantry. No one plays more of a significant role than the bride's attendants.

The prostheses do not run the race on their own: there is an athlete who does the work, and the prosthetics do not make a significant difference to the time.

Renewable ethanol represents a clear opportunity to grow a significant portion of our own fuel locally and begin to break the hold imported fuels have on us.

On the artist side, we made a significant investment in very young artists from the very beginning of their careers and helped them become global superstars.

I like to aim for significance over success because rarely can you be significant and also successful, but many people can be successful and not significant.

Our estimates suggest that a tax increase of 1 percent of GDP reduces output over the next three years by nearly 3 percent. The effect is highly significant.

The most significant thing is to always stay true to yourself. What brought you to where you are will continue to separate you. The thing is to be different.

I find inspiration in each and every person that I cross paths with. Every human being I interact with offers me a significant insight on some aspect of life.

We only have one president and one secretary of state, but our founding fathers very clearly insisted that Congress play a significant role in foreign policy.

Crossroads fights are an important part of boxing. The winner goes on to bigger and better things, while the loser squanders a significant career opportunity.

It's quite extraordinary that a recourse (branding/identity) which is generally regarded as so significant, and is now so ubiquitous, is so little understood.

The Bible is clear that God considers 40 days a spiritually significant time period. Whenever God wanted to prepare someone for his purposes, he took 40 days.

We believe that cloud will be based on significant open-source components that are offered as services. People don't want to be locked into a single provider.

One of the best games to play with a significant other is Nintendo's 'Super Mario Maker,' for the Wii U, which lets you build and play your own Mario courses.

Bonnaroo is the most significant festival in the country. I can sometimes just get caught up in the moment and listening and say, 'Oops, I gotta go sing now.'

Humor is probably the most significant characteristics of the human mind. Far more significant than reason. In fact, reason is actually a very cheap commodity.

I always believe that every one of us is working hard not only for our own performance but also to give something significant back to the societies we live in.

When police or prosecutors conceal significant exculpatory or impeaching material, we hold, it is ordinarily incumbent on the state to set the record straight.

The truth of Moore's law has made remarkable things possible. On the software side, I think natural user interfaces in all their forms are equally significant.

I have never met a geologist or leading scientist who believes adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will have any significant effect on climate change.

In the state of Alabama we have a significant number of illegal aliens that are leaving our state as occurred in Arizona after they got tough on illegal aliens.

The significant disparity in work opportunities for people with disabilities is the direct result of government programs and policies that propagate dependency.

Only when women wield power in significant numbers will we create a society that genuinely works for all women … that will be a society that works for everyone.

Those who obstruct the Senate should pay a price in public notoriety and physical exhaustion. That would lead to a significant decline in frivolous filibusters.

I do think there is every potential in 2010 and 2012 to begin to see independent candidates who are capturing a significant percentage of the vote and even win.

People have found very significant and simple ways to cheat their employer and get money out of their employers, and many companies lack good internal controls.

Humanity finds itself in the midst of the world. In the midst of all other creatures humanity is the most significant and yet the most dependent upon the others.

The 'anti-globalisation movement' is the most significant proponent of globalisation - but in the interests of people, not concentrations of state-private power.

In 1970 I realized that there was negligible risk from x-rays but many radiographs had poor image quality so that the risk from a false negative was significant.

Cinco de Mayo is an important day. The Mexicans had to defend themselves from the French. It is historically significant, but it is not Mexican Independence Day.

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