I can never predict what's going to happen.

The Staten Island Ferry remains a potential terrorist target.

You can never get silence anywhere nowadays, have you noticed?

I believe every citizen feels the same way about the Sewol Ferry incident.

I don't think I've ever played the Olympia before, but I'm not totally sure.

I live on an island, and my community is served by a ferry that goes three times a day.

I would not want to be on a cruise ship. Some ferry crossings I'm not too thrilled about.

The answer scrawled on a blank page in a daily newspaper, was conceived whilst aboard a ferry.

I rate Morrissey as one of the best lyricists in Britain. For me, he's up there with Bryan Ferry.

Women! I have no idea. I don't know anything about women at all. They're a complete mystery to me.

I commuted an hour and a half each way to high school in N.Y.C. I took a bus, a ferry, then a subway.

You realize that the first Bryan Ferry album was pretty good although at the time it seemed a bit cheesy.

The attack of John Brown upon Harper's Ferry came upon Virginia like a clap of thunder out of a clear sky.

My parents were proud of the fact that I was playing cricket, they used to ferry me around during the weekends to play the game.

I have known I was destined to live in Goa the moment I first stepped foot on the Panjim docks from the ferry from Mumbai, when I was 18.

There's so much light in Broughty Ferry. I think the humour in Glasgow is darker, because it's much more gloomy, there's a perpetual misery there.

My freshman year, the hate was all directed toward Danny Ferry. And every year, there's some new poor sucker at Duke who draws the ire of everybody.

As a youngster, I travelled every year across the sea to Tiree. On occasion, we ventured to Skye on the Kyleakin-Kyle of Lochalsh ferry, where there is now a bridge.

There are a lot of people that I think look very good - Bryan Ferry and Jude Law dress really well, Steve McQueen was cool, and all the James Bonds have been very dapper.

I grew up in the suburbs of Sydney, an arid kind of place, but every day I took the ferry across the harbour to get to school. I'd watch the ships coming in and going out.

Early on, I was into David Bowie. Then someone in the band suggested I try a Bryan Ferry type of thing. That's when I started wearing three-piece suits. It wasn't unnatural for me.

A crowded ferry ride away from Tanzania's coastal city, Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar is a marvel for the senses. Every sight and smell is provocative, inspiring a sense of the old and new.

I have lately returned from Harpers Ferry, to which place I was suddenly called, on the 17th instant, by causes the most disturbing and destructive to the peace and safety of this State.

When I was young, I was a sucker for smooth men. Bryan Ferry hired me, at 19, to be painted blue and dress up as a mermaid for the cover of his album 'Siren.' It was love at first sight.

I live by the sea, but the body of water I have the most feeling about is the Mississippi River, where I used to row and skate, ride on the ferry in childhood, watch the logs or just dream.

I studied drama in high school, and when I was 18, I studied at the Actors Studio in New York. Then I moved to London when I got engaged to Bryan Ferry, and I studied at the National Theatre there.

In my mind, the CalMac ferry is linked with the joy of arrival, the sadness of departure, the loss of loved ones brought home by ferry to rest in island soil. It is friendships made and a working life begun.

I have always loved to sit in ferry and railroad stations and watch the people, to walk on crowded streets, just walk along among the people, and see their faces, to be among people on street cars and trains and boats.

I started a business with my cousins in Fire Island called 'Wagoneers.' Since there are no cars on the island, we would hustle people at the ferry docks to bring their luggage to their houses in our wagons for a large fee.

When I was at drama school, I remember going to Amsterdam for new year and sitting with friends on the front of a P&O ferry in the wind, having some sort of 'Titanic' moment, declaring ourselves to be the new kings of theatre.

Disability informs almost every part of my life. It's as important, if not more so, than my gender and sexuality. It's certainly a great deal more important to me than my religion or whether or not I caught a tram, ferry or bus to work.

People like Frank Zappa and Bryan Ferry knew we could pick and choose from the history of music, stick things together looking for friction and energy. They were more like playwrights; they invented characters and wrote a life around them.

Danny Ferry did a very good job when he was here and put the franchise up to a certain level, as did Mike Brown, and his contract had ended after five years, and, ultimately, both sides decided they wanted to do other things. No hard feelings at all there.

I always remember to go on the Staten Island Ferry because it's the most amazing view of New York. And it's free! You see Ellis Island, and it conjures up something of that great moment: you know, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. It's staggering.

My parents wanted to be actors. They tried for years but didn't get anywhere. Then Mum got pregnant with me and they decided to make actors out of their children. You need your parents' support if you're going to do it. Otherwise who's going to ferry you to castings?

Before I got into grad school, I used to work as a deck hand on these ferry boats in San Francisco, and they did day tours. It wasn't a bad job. I made decent money. But you were sitting down all day, tying up the boat, wiping it down. For some guys, that's a dream job, but for me it was kind of torture.

'Jurassic World' takes place in a fully functional park on Isla Nublar. It sees more than 20,000 visitors every day. You arrive by ferry from Costa Rica. It has elements of a biological preserve, a safari, a zoo, and a theme park. There is a luxury resort with hotels, restaurants, nightlife and a golf course. And there are dinosaurs.

When I was 19 and at drama school, a couple of friends and I decided to drive from Guildford through France, down to the heel of Italy and then take a ferry to Greece - in an MG Midget. On our second day, in France, we were in a very bad accident and wrote off the car so we had to go home. But we then flew out instead and went island hopping.

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