Mind over mattress.

I use a relatively hard mattress.

I don't live in D.C. I keep an air mattress in my office.

I use an extremely soft mattress. Hard ones are a complete no-no.

When I first had Isaac, I only owned a mattress. Now I have a show?

If you want to have a good sleep, you have to have a good mattress.

It's really terrific to see Pittsburgh recognize the Mattress Factory.

Well, I'd had the Fat Mattress earlier as a writing outlet for songs and that.

I always put clothes and family photos under the mattress, in case the house burns down.

The only interesting thing that can happen in a Swiss bedroom is suffocation by feather mattress.

The days when a princess was too delicate to sleep on a mattress with a pea under it are long gone.

As a single guy, the baseline of what I needed was so low. I just needed an air mattress, food, and rent money.

Apparently, if you live until 75, you'll have spent 25 years in bed, so it makes sense to have a decent mattress.

Self-pity in its early stage is as snug as a feather mattress. Only when it hardens does it become uncomfortable.

I don't need anything to live, to be honest. Give me a mattress or a futon on the floor and I'll be the happiest camper.

Those who have never suffered the iniquities of exile cannot possibly understand the significance, the gravitas, of a mattress.

If our financial industry regarded security the way the health-care sector does, I would stuff my cash in a mattress under my bed.

I struggled for a while, but when I was cast in an Off Broadway show called 'Once Upon a Mattress,' that kind of put me on the map.

The Fat Mattress consisted of people I'd played with before joining the 'Experience and it was put together as a song writing situation.

When you have a quality mattress, great sheets, and a good duvet with the perfect fill, it all works together to give you the perfect sleep.

I've been performing my whole life. My mom signed me up for a theater program when I was five - I was the evil queen in 'Once Upon a Mattress.'

I live a good life but a pretty simply life. I just store all my money under my mattress. My wife and I travel, and I bought my dream car, the Cobra.

I sleep on a Tempur-Pedic mattress, and I have custom-made sheets. They're white with some patterns, and the highest thread count of Egyptian cotton you can get.

I like a good mattress, first of all. I have a Hestia bed, and it's the best mattress in the world. I like it pretty cold because I can't sleep when it's really hot.

I found my Saatva mattress when I was searching for a biodegradable and organic mattress that wouldn't leach chemicals because, believe it or not, I don't like that!

My first professional gig was 'Once Upon a Mattress' at the Drury Lane Oakbrook... I was in the ensemble. I was one of the ladies in waiting, and I covered Winnifred.

The worst fear you can have coming from a modelling background is that you're going to be a model-turned- actress - a mattress, that's what I call them, ironically, I hope.

It is a well known urban myth that the French don't trust banks and store their money under their mattress. It's not that they are tight with money - they just don't trust anyone.

One time Robert Plant was set to check into the same room after I checked out, so I removed every light bulb and ordered up a bunch of stinky cheese and put it under the mattress.

Smaller tax refunds are not a bad thing - they're a sign that people are keeping more of their money as they earn it, rather than letting Uncle Sam keep it under his mattress for them.

As a kid, I pretty much got nothing but scorn, and occasionally active animus, for writing fantasy and squirreling it away in my closet and, later, under the mattress supports in my bed.

Because I'm in the media quite a lot now, everyone assumes that everything is fine. People forget I sleep on a mattress on the floor with my son in a house I share with five other people.

There are a few giant companies that I love, and I love Amazon. Their customer service is impeccable: sometimes, just for the hell of it, I'll sleep on a mattress for three years and return it.

From 1971 onwards, the Memorial Day holiday was officially observed on the last Monday in May and became the unofficial start of the summer, with barbecues, blockbuster movie openings and mattress sales.

A lifetime single worker really gets a horrid deal from Social Security. The return on average is less than 0.5 percent. These workers would be nearly better off stuffing their payroll tax dollars under a mattress.

Obviously you can stash money under your mattress, cut down on hazelnut lattes, but in terms of the larger economic frame of our lives, we have very little agency. About one of the only things you can do is understand it.

For some reason, I wrote about the bed we slept in when I was a kid. It was a half-acre of misery, that bed, sagging in the middle, red hair sticking out of the mattress, the spring gone and the fleas leaping all over the place.

Nothing makes you feel better than when you get into a hotel bed, and the sheets feel so good. Why shouldn't you wake up like that every day? Spend money on your mattress and bedding because these things make a difference on your sleep and, ultimately, your happiness.

I'm the child of immigrants, and there was always a garage filled with food, just in case, and you kept money under the mattress. You were always prepared, because you couldn't trust that you were being taken care of. So that translated into my life into a lot of opportunity hoarding.

When I was around 18, I got kicked out of my parents' house, and I wasn't allowed to take anything with me. I slept on YMCA towels for a whole semester in university before my father found out and bought me a mattress. I felt really free because I was finally living on my own, but I was also really depressed because I had nothing.

I always knew my mother was different, different from the other mothers in the way she dressed, the way she spoke, but most obviously, the way she mothered. I remember a slumber party where, instead of a sleeping bag, she urged me to bring a small, inflatable mattress because the dust on the floor was liable to aggravate my allergies.

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