Evolution, to me, is the best designer of all time.

People ask me, when was my best time? I always say, 'Today.'

Please don't compare me to the best player of all time. Let me do my own thing.

There is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first time. I owe him my best.

I have a goal to be the best player every time I touch that floor. Just be the best me.

I want Facebook to pick the best 20 items to show me every single time I refresh that screen.

For me, a show's a show. I try to put on the best show I can for whatever audience or time slot I get.

Boot camp was the first time I got a heavy dose of discipline. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Whoever picks me up, I'm going to try and play my best for, to be the best player on the field at any given time.

Rick Barry always amazed me - he was one of the best free-throw shooters of all time, and he used to throw it underhand.

I don't want to become a player who spends half his time running round after the breakdown, because that won't get the best out of me.

Force me to choose my best book, and I always come back to 'Gorilla.' It was the first time I felt I understood what picture books could do.

Every time I go on to the court, people expect me to get a medal. It is tough, and I can't win always, but I still have to go out there and give my best.

I mean, I just felt like Alabama fit me the best. What Coach Saban preaches about it all the time and what his players represent, I wanted to be a part of that.

I'm a competitor; I'm in here talking - come at me. If you score on me, I'm gonna tap you on your butt. You got the best of me - but you got to do it every time.

For me, Venus are the experts in keeping my legs smooth, and offer a wide range of razors to ensure I have the right tool for the right time for the best results.

My dog was with me all the time. I talked to my dog. She was my best buddy. I shared all my secrets with her, but I don't think I every really tried jokes out with the dog.

I was filled with angst all the time, but when it came down to it, I dove into what was in front of me, and I always did my best. I invested 100 percent. And that's what saved me.

Discover the time of day when you write best, and write then. For me it's about 7 am to noon. For other people it's overnight. Try not to do anything other than write between those times.

I have an extraordinary attention span. I manage to juggle two or three different ideas at the same time, and that's probably - if I have a gift, that's probably the best gift that's given me.

Most of the time, if you ask a kid who's their best friend, it's usually a classmate or their neighbor or something, but for me, it was my granddad. Everybody knew him - they called him Mr. Jones.

'Pitch Perfect 2,' those scenes are super fun. It's just me and John Michael Higgins, and we've been friends for so long, we just have the best time. Anything I do with him is some of my favorite stuff.

I think it's absolutely clear that the fiscal path we are on is not sustainable, and for me, the best analogy is these deficits are like a cancer, and over time they will destroy the country from within.

When I got cut from Cleveland, they weren't one of the best teams in the NBA at the time, so I had some doubts. I didn't think I was going to get back into the league. I wasn't sure it was going to happen for me.

You wanted me to do what? That I say no a second time to Barcelona? It was impossible for me. I'm in a crazy club there, next to the best. Every year, the club is semi-finalist or finalist of the Champions League!

For me, writing time has always been precious, something I wait for and am eager for and make the best use of. That's probably why I get up so early and have writing time in the quiet dawn hours, when no one needs me.

In 35 years of being in the media, I've had all this mud flung at me many, many times. It's not the first time. It's nothing unusual. I've been through it all before and the best way to deal with it is not to read them.

I lost three cousins and a best friend, and they all came at the wrong time. Everyone told me to be strong and that they were in a better place. But I didn't want to hear that. They were gone and I will never see them again.

If I had to model clothes in a time period other than the 21st century, I think I'd like to model way back when they just wore skin loincloths. That would be best suited for me - better than corsets. I'm quite claustrophobic.

For a person who grew up in the '30s and '40s in the segregated South, with so many doors closed without explanation to me, libraries and books said, 'Here I am, read me.' Over time I have learned I am at my best around books.

I'll put 'Stranger Things' up there with the best of it. I think it's such a profound show - it's very subtle in the way that it tells its story, but it's very effective. Every time I watch it, I feel something, which is very rare for me.

I struggled quite a long time with my backhand, which was one of my best weapons before my surgery. It took me a long time until I regained full confidence in it again and only tried to keep the ball in play at the start of the '09 season.

As I said this year, I didn't try to put any pressure on me by setting high goals or anything, I just want to make sure that every single time I'm out there on the court I do my best, I give 100%, and see where it's going to end up next year.

I knew Avila was going to be a tough, strong opponent. I cracked him a few times early, but he kept bouncing back every time. When I knocked him down, I could tell he wasn't hurt and was impressed by his toughness. He brought out the best in me.

I used to take 40 minutes to warm up before going on stage. If you want to spend time with your child as well as having a career, you have to get up there even if your head's a mess. It's made me more relaxed, and I'm having some of my best shows.

If any syllable that I utter might be interpreted in 13,000 different ways, then the best way for me to never be tarred and feathered is to never open my mouth. So the next time that someone calls on me for an opinion, you know what? I won't say a thing.

My first day at MGM they decided to bring this lion out, male, and it was not the best time for him to see me. All of a sudden he thought I was in heat and this lion went into the dressing room, which was just a trailer on the sound stage, and went crazy.

The politician is your best friend - he always wants to be there when he's asking for your vote. But then, often, he doesn't have time for you when he gets into office. To me, it's the opposite. They should listen to you more when they're actually in office.

Genre expectations can kill creativity. If you do something different, it will get hated. The best filmmakers can do everything on the approval list and knock it out of the park. For me, I have a hard time being creative when I have to color in between the lines.

Every time I start chasing my tail, and I'm trying to control all these elements of my universe, I pray, 'I'm not in control of any of this. I can just do the best I can. Please guide me. Please help me figure how I can move through this in the way You would have me.'

Kanye's the best listener I've ever worked with. If I interrupt Kanye, every single time, he'll wait for me to finish before speaking. It's a running joke - sometimes I interrupt him just to see. And he always goes, 'No, no, finish. I want to hear what you have to say.'

Biggie was to me the guy who was the best at painting the picture and making you visualize something, Pac was the best poet, and I feel like Jay Z is all of the above. Then Rick Ross is just, every line he spits is just perfect, and he's one of my favorite MCs of all time.

The reason it takes me so long to make a film, the reason it gets so difficult, is that I'm trying to think of every film as the last one I will ever make so it can be the best it can possibly be. I don't want to have regrets or excuses or think, 'I can do better next time.'

One thing bothered me as a student. In the 1960s, human behavior was totally off limits for the biologist. There was animal behavior, then there was a long time nothing, after which came human behavior as a totally separate category best left to a different group of scientists.

Developmental readings are actually the best part of being an actor for me. I once spent a month doing so many developmental readings at the Roundabout that we all joked that I was an 'artist in residence' there. But to me, it's such a special time to be involved with a new play.

I remember being on a plane a few years ago. And me and this woman sat coldly next to each other for a cross-country trip, fighting over the arm rest the whole time. But then, about an hour before we landed, we noticed that we both had on 'Housewives,' and suddenly, we were best friends.

Early in my career, I decided not to do sequels. I know that children enjoy them, but I valued the feeling that this was the only time I would write about these characters. I felt it gave me an added incentive to do my best by them, to tell readers everything I knew, to hold nothing back.

The three short years I spent at Harvard, where I lived with excellent people, taught me not only that I must know how to choose my partners but also that choosing excellent partners is a skill you can learn. Obviously, when you spend time with the best, you learn how to choose among them.

Any time I have a promo with him - and I like R-Truth, too - but I always have the best chemistry with Miz. We really don't stay on script perfectly. We kind of bounce off each other... He is the one I paid attention to when it came to promos. He helped me so much along the way with backstage segments.

I went to Michigan State because a coach I was being recruited by told me if I go to Michigan State, I wouldn't start. I didn't like the boundaries he put on me. He was probably trying to look out for my best interests, but at the time I took it kind of personal. Not only did I start, but I made captain.

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