It is too soon to tell, but old, tired 'Survivor' last night beat 'X Factor.' We're really proud of that. We're anticipating a very strong season for CBS.

Strictly' is the most successful reality format in the world - it's in the 'Guinness Book of Records' - going to 38 countries. 'X Factor' hasn't done that.

The most important single fact about pop music in the Nineties, is the number of hours made commercially available increased by an estimated factor of ten.

Because of lack of moral principle, human life becomes worthless. Moral principle, truthfulness, is a key factor. If we lose that, then there is no future.

The weakness in traditional Scottish nationalism lay in its own inability to grasp that identity could not be the only factor in the march to independence.

I love doing 'X Factor,' I absolutely love it. It has its highs and lows. Sometimes I love it more than other times. It is the best job in the world though.

With chess it was almost this palpable electricity that I felt. You're totally in control of your own fate. There's no luck factor. It's you and the pieces.

I have always believed that there is no age factor to this music business. You are only as old as you feel and basically you can be a contender at any time.

Age doesn't mean anything. Age doesn't mean I can't work as hard. Age doesn't mean I can't do as well as everyone else. It's just a factor. It's just there.

No one will deny that the excessive use of alcohol and alcoholic beverages would do more than any other single factor to make impossible a total war effort.

A State in the grip of neo-colonialism is not master of its own destiny. It is this factor which makes neo-colonialism such a serious threat to world peace.

Digitization has altered the nature of the film industry. Social media, especially, has become a decisive factor in determining a film's box office success.

For training, you know what works and what doesn't work. And you know where you fall short and you need to pick up, so I'm not worried about the age factor.

The interest in the supernatural in a very generic sense and in the spiritual is not in itself a factor that helps the communication of the Christian faith.

I don't know what happens at radio as far as what is that X factor that makes a song click and have people get connected to it when it's in another language.

You can be a follower of Muhammad or Jesus or Buddha or whomever. Always, they said that the most essential factor is to love your neighbor. And to love you.

I think it is very difficult today to have a reasoned public discourse on any controversial subject. Certainly, election years present a complicating factor.

When it comes to the qualities that I look for in a partner, I'd say looks are a factor but the inner beauty is more important as it adds to the personality.

The ability of big money to shape perceptions - where you have four anti-climate lobbyists for every single member of the House and Senate - is a big factor.

When you think of the people who were important in your life, prettiness was not a factor. They might have been old, fat and toothless - but they were there.

Black isn't something I became after a car crash that I've been dealing with ever since. I'd like the colour of my skin to not be a factor in my life at all.

We try to say it's creative and in a manner it is creative, but it is a business, because today, with the cost factor in crossing the boundaries that you do.

When we lost Steve, the grief was understandable, but I wasn't prepared for how scary everything became - that fear factor of 'Now I'm doing this on my own.'

I became demented overnight. Sudden onset is one factor that distinguishes my form of dementia from the more common form associated with Alzheimer's disease.

I always wondered if there was a purpose to the universe, if there was a plan, if there was some sort of organizing factor, hopefully that I played a role in.

The most critical factor subduing the demand for housing is that home ownership is no longer seen as the great, long-term buildup in equity value it once was.

Everyone's path is really different, and you just have to be in the right place at the right time. 'The X Factor' gave me that chance I needed, that platform.

They haven't had 'The X Factor' in Finland for ten years. But because I was on it and it was such a hit, they decided to bring it back and have me as a judge.

If you want to make your own decisions about where you work, what you do, what you earn and what you buy, then being able to make money is an important factor.

The power of the American system of republicanism lies in its capacity to allow religious belief to be a competing, not a controlling, factor in American life.

The single most important factor in determining America's success in the 21st century will be maintaining our ability to be an innovative and creative society.

Confidence is the most important single factor in this game, and no matter how great your natural talent, there is only one way to obtain and sustain it: work.

Huge numbers of people in London depend on their cars. Fuel duty is becoming a big factor in people's cost of living. I believe in trying to ease these burdens.

Motivation has always been a fascinating factor when considering a touring artist, especially when the years stack up. What keeps one out there year after year?

I wanted to do dance with the same seriousness as art was done and acknowledged, not with the entertainment factor that is always connected to theater and film.

At Sterling, we're not looking to become a dominating factor in the market. We're looking for an area to carve out for ourselves. We want to become another BMW.

I understand that in some industries, the input cost of energy is a major factor in whether an industry is going to locate in the United States or go elsewhere.

The driving factor for me is having DC as one company together ourselves. Our ability to work more collaboratively with the whole studio is certainly a benefit.

It was difficult to step away. I've always been an athlete. And to give that up was extremely daunting. The looming factor of brain damage, to me, was too strong.

In the case of the second world war the distorting factor is not poetry but our seemingly insatiable need to view the war through the prism of national mythology.

I love Helena Bonham Carter because every character that she portrays, she's just something completely different. And she has that quirky factor that she just owns.

Having watched 'X Factor' over the years, they just haven't got it right. The male winners haven't been believable. They look like puppets; they sound like puppets.

I think there's a gigantic generation gap in terms of how people understand the Internet and how much they think technology is an important factor in social change.

Harassment is the background radiation of my life. It is a factor in every decision I make. Any time I tweet something or make a post, I'm always thinking about it.

What causes autism? As far as we know in 2013, there is no single gene or single environmental factor that accounts for the more than 1 million Americans with ASDs.

You see on 'Britain's Got Talent' and 'X Factor,' they all wear ear plugs. But I could not hear myself when I wore them. So that is where the strong voice came from.

The most essential factor is persistence - the determination never to allow your energy or enthusiasm to be dampened by the discouragement that must inevitably come.

I think success is what you make of it - of course there is always the factor of luck, but one should always be equipped to seize the moment when opportunity knocks.

The thing about romance and romantic movies is that they can be somewhat melodramatic. For a lot of actors, there's a certain cringe factor that's involved with that.

More has been screwed up on the battlefield and misunderstood in the Pentagon because of a lack of understanding of the English language than any other single factor.

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