Gender is not central to coding.

Yeah, I love Ethereum. I love coding.

I believe coding is fundamental to literacy in the future.

I think coding is gonna become the blue collar work of the future.

Everyone on the founding team ought to invest the time in a coding bootcamp.

I'm on the autism spectrum. I don't usually follow social coding and so therefore I go my own way.

Out of grad school, I worked as a tech writer for a while before going into computer coding for a living.

In a web/mobile startup, coding is not an outsourced activity. It's an integral part of the company's DNA.

Thus, races arose from an original coding which God pulled out as needed for adaptation to the environment.

We think coding should be required in every school because it's as important as any kind of second language.

Problem-solving, inventing, hacking and coding is more of an adrenaline rush of endorphins rather than a feeling.

I would try and barter a cake for some help with coding. I'm not the best coder. I have some basic HTML but that's about it.

I can't live without my smartphone, but I really geek on coding. It's not so much technology that I like, but puzzle solving.

All of the coding and hacking stuff that we do and I talk about, I always have them explain what it means so I know what I'm saying.

Programs like ACE's Bootstrap Summer Camp teach our kids important computer coding skills that will allow them to design their own futures.

As the coding movement continues to grow, the common narrative of the white male geek as the predominant influencer on geek culture will erode.

I'm not building gyms. I'm not interested in building football fields or doing football camps. I'm interested in doing film camps and coding camps.

Building technical systems involves a lot of hard work and specialized knowledge: languages and protocols, coding and debugging, testing and refactoring.

The big advancement in our BCM7445 home gateway chip is that it uses the next-generation compression technology called HEVC - High-Efficiency Video Coding.

Computer science is not just for smart 'nerds' in hoodies coding in basements. Coding is extremely creative and is an integral part of almost every industry.

There were giant scale barriers to becoming a nuclear power, whereas launching a cyberattack requires only some coding capability, a laptop and an Internet connection.

APL is a mistake, carried through to perfection. It is the language of the future for the programming techniques of the past: it creates a new generation of coding bums.

We will depend on American students who can turn their literacy in coding and computer science into creative solutions that address the complex problems facing our nation.

Once parents see that Roblox isn't simply a video game, but a platform for creativity, building, coding, collaboration, and more, they become some of our biggest advocates.

Baking and coding involve using the same parts of your brain and a lot of the same skills, like being able to follow directions or create directions in a very systematic way.

My Vikings class was super fun, and I have loved the computer science classes. Coding, for me, is like a boyfriend that makes you really upset, and then you can't get enough of him.

The premise of 'Secret Coders' is reminiscent of 'Harry Potter.' An intrepid band of tweens stumbles upon a secret school, only instead of teaching magic, the school teaches coding.

It will not work to keep asking men to change. Many have no real objective to do so. There's no reward for them. Why should they change? They're doing well inside the halls of coding.

Blend is great for designers because it implements a lot of sophisticated behaviours, but for what I like to do, hand coding XAML is preferable, particularly because I have to publish it.

The balance of evidence both from the cell-free system and from the study of mutation, suggests that this does not occur at random, and that triplets coding the same amino acid may well be rather similar.

Many jobs at Google require math, computing, and coding skills, so if your good grades truly reflect skills in those areas that you can apply, it would be an advantage. But Google has its eyes on much more.

Coding is like writing, and we live in a time of the new industrial revolution. What's happened is that maybe everybody knows how to use computers, like they know how to read, but they don't know how to write.

With the rise of software patents, engineers coding new stuff - whether within a large software company or as kids writing smartphone apps - are exposed to a claim that somewhere a prior patent is being infringed.

I originally studied graphic design and video production. I had wanted to be a programmer - I loved development and coding - but it turned out that I really enjoyed doing the frontend more than backend development.

Technology has the benefit of being easily scalable. A few weeks or months of coding can result in solutions that reap huge benefits. The global success of Facebook, Twitter, and Google are all triumphs of technology.

The cells of an organism are nodes in a richly interwoven communications network, transmitting and receiving, coding and decoding. Evolution itself embodies an ongoing exchange of information between organism and environment.

For me, growing up coding and computers and video games wasn't something that was cool, but it was something that I was always passionate about. I never let the fact that that wasn't something that was cool take me away from it.

Computers add convenience to our everyday lives, but we are limited in what we can do with technology others have imagined. The ability for humans to teach machines entirely new things - coding - is nothing short of a superpower.

Under the leadership of President Obama and a whole host of partners, including nonprofits, foundations, and advocates, the Department of Labor has made historic investments in community colleges, apprenticeships, coding boot camps, and summer jobs.

As a real estate investor, you're ultimately accountable to you and your checkbook. Of course, you will need to stay on top of your local coding regulations and ordinances. But once you get the hang of it, you really shouldn't have any problems with ordinances.

I was full of pride when President Obama talked about coding in his last State of the Union address. I was proud when Chicago recently made computer science mandatory as a requirement for graduation. To see this elevate to the level of a bigger conversation is progress.

The first thing I tell women is this: They think that coding or being in any computer field is very solitary, very solemn, that you're just set off in a cubicle somewhere and it's not social and it's not creative. I would tell them that it's the furthest from the truth.

I already knew that I wanted to be involved in something that combined management and coding, so I wasn't coding all the time. And I don't want to be in a management position, where that's all I'm doing, and I'm not able to participate in the creation of the technology.

There is a misperception among job seekers that opportunities for women in tech exist only for those with coding or engineering experience. To be sure, technology firms do need women with these skills, but they also need women with expertise in other areas, like marketing and finance.

Books about technology start-ups have a pattern. First, there's the grand vision of the founders, then the heroic journey of producing new worlds from all-night coding and caffeine abuse, and finally, the grand finale: immense wealth and secular sainthood. Let's call it the Jobs Narrative.

Our camps and workshops offer a space where girls of color can learn computer science and coding principles alongside their peers, with mentorship from female role models who have established themselves in tech fields where women, and minority women in particular, tend to be underrepresented.

Like Netflix, Looker started as nothing more than an idea. Lloyd Tabb and Ben Porterfield were two brilliant engineers who had figured out a better way for businesses to see and analyze their data, and they asked me to join them to help out with the ABCs - that's short for Anything But Coding.

One of the first major programming projects that I worked on when I was growing up in Ireland, back just coding by myself, was a programming language. Then I spent a bunch of time working on a new web framer. Just back-end things to make it easier to go in and build things on top of, do other development.

I wanted to make an explicitly educational comic that taught readers the concepts I covered in my introductory programming class. That's what 'Secret Coders' is. It's both a fun story about a group of tweens who discover a secret coding school, and an explanation of some foundational ideas in computer science.

In the tech world, you can reel off great products in several ways. You can have the once-in-a-lifetime gut instincts of a Steve Jobs. You can have the brainiac coding skills of a Bill Gates, Larry Page, or Sergey Brin. Or, I learned, you can have the deep intellectual curiosity and stubbornness of a Jeff Bezos.

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