Badshah and I have a great time when we work together.

It's a great joy for me to work on television after a long time.

I've had job stability for years at a time. You really develop great relationships with the people you work with.

If you want to make a great wine that can stand the test of time, then you must put the time and the work into it.

The great thing about being a writer is that you have a long, perhaps frighteningly long time in which to do your work.

However great may be the work for which we are responsible, we will always do well if we pause to spend time in sacred praise.

I still feel that the original 'Karate Kid' is the great piece of work that has stood the test of time. It's a bit of soulful magic.

The years after 50 can be a time of great productivity, meaningful work, pleasure, creativity, and innovation. It's a huge opportunity.

Oh, I've been ridiculously lucky to work for, I'd say, five of the greatest directors of all time... and a lot of other great people, too.

I have carried the burden of being a role model for some time. And that's great. The body of work I've done has afforded me that opportunity.

Spending time on the floor is really important. It's great to work out of an office, but working the store gives you contact with the customer.

When its time to go off to work, or work out, I have a great support system: a great nanny and friends who offer to help out whenever they can.

That's the great thing about how 'SVU' works. They work with so many Broadway actors, they are very used to getting us out in time for the show.

You have to cultivate diversity for it to work, and I feel the 'Great Comet' didn't take the time to cultivate it. They didn't want to invest in it.

It was great to work in Ireland because it's such a beautiful country, but it's not particularly easy to film in because the weather changes all the time.

Whatever work I have done in a very short span of time, like 'Balika Vadhu,' 'Kitchen Champion 4,' 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa,' and 'Bigg Boss 7,' has been great for me.

It's been so great being on 'American Horror Story' and 'Scream Queens' because there were some days when I didn't work, and I would spend my time shadowing directors.

When you have a great and difficult task, something perhaps almost impossible, if you only work a little at a time, every day a little, suddenly the work will finish itself.

It's about mass immigration at a time when 21% of young people can't find work. It's about giving £50 million a day to the EU when the public finances are under great strain.

My dad really pushed me, my brother and my sisters from young to be great. We've taken the time and put a lot of work in, so I'm sure we can all go on and achieve some great things.

I got to work with my wife, Lena Olin, for the first time, which was great. I thought it might be difficult in some way to talk to one's wife in a different way but it was so not forced.

I spend as much time as I possibly can doing things for other people, if I can. If I see a need and I feel that I can help, I do it. I work a great deal in terms of charities and things.

When leaders know how to lead great meetings, there's less time wasted and less frustration. We have more energy to do the work that matters, realize our full potential, and do great things.

What I really think about Banksy is I think he's a genius; he's a great artist, and I like his stuff. But he's got to accept it if, from time to time, someone will need to paint over his work.

Look, it's a mainstream animated movie, and how often are those considered thought provoking? It's meant to be a great time at the theater, but it's also designed to work on more than one level.

Kajol ma'am is full of energy. Her energy is so infectious that it motivated people to work with the same enthusiasm. She is a very friendly and warm person. We had a great time working with her.

'Hollyoaks' really is such a great place to work, and there was nothing bad whatsoever about my time there. I loved my job, I loved everybody that I worked with, and I was blessed with great story lines.

I feel the most beautiful when I'm the most relaxed - for example, after a productive day of work or during a comfortable, rested afternoon. But I also feel great when I reunite with friends after a long time.

By the time I got to be director of product management at Thomas-Conrad, I was in a better negotiating position, as I had accumulated more accomplishments and gained a reputation for having a great work ethic.

I've spent some time working with a non-Italian designer; I've been helping him organize fashion shows, the advertising, also helping with the creative part. But the great part about this work is that I am no one!

He thinks with regret of the great days when he could at harvest time at least go down into Hungary and work on the big estates and bring back, as his wage, a side of bacon for the winter. That was wealth, to him.

I've got an idea for a modern day faerie tale that I think would made a great short novel. But I just don't have the time to work on it right now. I'm way too busy with the 'Kingkiller Chronicles' and being a new dad.

I think great artists have no time to waste with having disproportionate egos and irrational requests. They're too focused on their work to actually lose themselves in hysterical spirals where they become monsters or tyrants.

I haven't read a book in a very, very long time because, when I'm writing, I don't like to see other people's work. I don't want to see something great and not be able to use it, and I don't want to have any subconscious influences.

I think deerskin work gloves are the answer to everything. You can give them to someone who gardens or someone who works outside. And you can give them to someone who grills; they're great for grilling. I wear them all the time, 24/7.

I think sometimes when trades are made the beginning of the season on paper, they look great. It just takes time. Sometimes the process by the media or outside influences or sources want it to be now. Sometimes it doesn't work that way.

Every time I have to try on a wig for work, I get excited about the colour; I've often thought about going for a platinum bob or also raven black, as it looks so great against pale skin. But I always end up being loyal to my red colour.

'Little Princess' was the first big movie that I did in America with big stages where we had kind of a different schedule to work. We had a great production designer, Bo Welch, and we had time to think about the movie in pre-production.

I enjoyed my time at DC. Dan Didio, Geoff Johns and Jim Lee were great to me, and I'm very grateful for the opportunities they gave me. Having said that, I think it's important to try new things and work with new people to keep myself fresh.

Yes, I would say I had quite a rough time from 1992 to 1996. After the highs of the Eighties, work became slow from around 1987 to around 1997. I was running a small recording studio in Shepherd's Bush but wasn't making a great deal from it.

I grew up with my grandmother because my parents were making careers and didn't have much time for me. She was a highly religious Serbian Orthodox, spending most of her time in church. It's a great mix, and I use all these elements in my work.

I always try to pick projects by: Is this something that excites me? What are the people like to work with? Obviously you spend a lot of time in a room together with them, so I always try to find projects that hopefully have great people attached.

John Travolta, I don't think anybody would not jump at a chance to work with a guy like him because he's gone from 'Grease' to 'Face Off' to, he's gonna do 'Dallas.' I mean, he's so great in his range, and he's truly a legend and a pro in our time.

It could be a great script but the director is not the right person for me to work for at this time. So there are a lot of elements that come into play and a lot of variables, but more than anything it's got to be a great script and a great character.

I've lost 12 inches in three weeks. Every time I go for the costume fitting each week, it's smaller and smaller. I'm feeling great. I'm putting in the work. I'm getting a lot of sleep. Everything is on the backburner right now. 'Dancing' is my priority.

If I'm going to make something in the kitchen, even if it's something as simple as a sandwich, I will take the extra time to make it a great sandwich instead of just an average sandwich. I don't mind investing a little extra work to make something special.

I don't read the reviews because it somewhere affects my work. If some critic doesn't like a movie, I can't keep his criticisms in mind the next time I am making a film. Even if someone writes a great review about my film, I don't want to be affected by it.

Amitabh Bachchan and SRK are great actors, but I like the way Suniel Shetty has handled his work. He's doing so many things at one time. He's a sincere actor, he has his own production company, other businesses and he's even the brand ambassador for hockey.

The great thing about having spent all this time on film sets is that I've been able to watch directors and how they work. I now know that this is what I want to do as well: to tell stories visually. But it's definitely my vision that I want to put across, nobody else's.

Every time you do a take on a movie, you're not sure if it's going to succeed. Even if you have a great cast, like we had, every scene you're kind of waiting for the release. 'Oh, yes; it happened. We got it!' There's always the possibility that it's just not going to work.

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